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Sean Behrens signs with Colorado Avalanche

Sean Behrens signs with Colorado Avalanche


DENVER Defender Sean Behrens of the University of Denver hockey team has signed a three-year entry-level contract with the Colorado Avalanche, beginning in 2024-2025, the NHL club announced Friday. He will spend the remainder of the 2023-2024 season with the Colorado Eagles on an amateur tryout.

Behrens, 21, posted career highs last season with four goals and 27 assists for 31 points while playing in all 44 games. He scored the first two game-winning goals of his career during the campaign and finished third among DU defensemen in both assists and points.

Behrens, a two-time national champion, helped the Pioneers win the 2022 NCAA title as a freshman and the program's record-breaking 10th trophy last week as a junior.

Behrens, the 2023-24 NCHC Defensive Defenseman of the Year and an All-NCHC honorable mention for the second consecutive season, paced the Pioneers with 70 blocked shots, the most by a Denver player since Will Butcher had 82 and Adam Plants 80 in 2016-2017. . He also finished second on the team with 53 penalty minutes and was second with a plus/minus rating of plus-25.

The Barrington, Illinois native continued with a career high of seven games (0g/10a) early in the season from October 8 through November. 4, who just failed to match his personal best. He tied a career high with three assists/points to start the game Oct. 8 at Alaska Fairbanks. Behrens had seven multi-point outings during the campaign.

Behrens played in his 100th career game against Miami on February 24 and had a pair of assists in the game. He scored his first career game winner on March 2 at St. Cloud State and also reached the game-deciding marker, while also adding a helper (1g/1a) and a plus-3 rating in Game 2 of the NCHC Quarterfinals on March 16 . vs. Minnesota Duluth.

The rearguard was named to the 2024 NCAA Frozen Four All-Tournament Team after recording an assist in every game, including on the overtime-winning goal against Boston University in the national semifinals on April 11. In the national championship game, he added another. assist and had a career-best five blocked shots against Boston College, the nation's second-highest scoring team this season. All year long, he blocked four shots in a game six times.

Behrens ends his collegiate career with 81 points in 112 games. He buried 10 goals, while his 71 assists ranked 11th all-time by a DU defenseman in school history.

Behrens, one of four Pioneers named to the 2021-2022 NCHC All-Rookie Team, opened his collegiate career with a five-game assist/point streak (0g/7a) from October 8-22, 2021. We went on a career-long streak of eight games from January 15 through February. 5, 2022 (2g/10a), which at the time was the longest by a freshman defenseman in NCHC history and the longest by a blueliner in conference history with Minnesota Duluth's Andy Welinski in 2013-14 ( surpassed by DUs Zeev Buium in 2023-24).
He finished his freshman campaign with 29 points (3g/26a) in 37 games and added 21 points (3g/18a) in 31 games as a sophomore. He was named to the United States roster for both the 2022 and 2023 IIHF World Junior Championships and helped the Americans win a bronze medal as a sophomore in 2023 in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, Canada.

Behrens was selected by the Colorado Avalanche at No. 61 overall in the second round of the 2021 NHL Draft prior to his freshman season at DU.




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