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“Future Positive”: Foster + Partners holds first exhibition in Seoul, South Korea

“Future Positive”: Foster + Partners holds first exhibition in Seoul, South Korea


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Foster + Partners held its first exhibition in Korea at the Seoul Museum of Art. Commemorating a significant moment for the studio and its relationship with Korea, the exhibition Future Positive introduces the work of Norman Foster and Foster + Partners to Korean audiences for the first time. On display from April 25, 2024 until his July 21, 2024, visitors will have the opportunity to explore a comprehensive showcase of Fosters' architectural journey from his 1967 to the present day. .


This exhibition, in collaboration with Seoul Museum of Art (SeMA), explores Foster + Partners' work through various perspectives, including sustainability, culture, history, research, and technology. Future Positive emphasizes the human experience in design, focusing on the studio's unique processes and integrated approach to architecture and design. In fact, the showcase reflects his projects from the 1960s to the present day.

Im Janfal | Foster + Partners Future Positive

Responsible design and sustainability have been cornerstones of Foster + Partners' philosophy for more than 50 years, manifested through projects that address energy, community, history, water, waste, and transportation. Notable examples include Apple Park in Cupertino, his Bloomberg European headquarters in London, and ecological office towers in Frankfurt and London. The exhibition will also highlight the industry's dedication to renovating existing buildings, showcasing how structures can be regenerated to meet modern needs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Focused.

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Established in 1988, the Seoul Museum of Art serves as South Korea's political institution that fosters international artistic dialogue. This exhibition, which aims to position Seoul as a dynamic hub of artistic innovation, is no exception. Founded in 1967 by Norman Foster, Foster + Partners is a world leader in architecture, urban planning and design, working on large-scale projects. Overall, this showcase focuses on thoughtful design efforts that shape buildings, spaces, and cities.

Im Janfal | Foster + Partners Future Positive

The Architectural Exhibition provides a dynamic lens into the future of design and showcases important projects that reflect the evolving landscape of the built environment. In other similar news, the Niece Intitut in Rotterdam has organized the exhibition “Designing the future of the Netherlands 100 years past and present''. Similarly, MVRDV recently unveiled its new exhibition ReviveR at the Shenzhen Women and Children Center. The exhibition focused on the different stories surrounding the venue building, from its role in play and social interaction to the importance of a fun environment for people of all ages. Also in Shenzhen, MAD Architects held “Ma Yansong: Landscapes in Motion,” a retrospective showcasing his MAD Architects' work that imagines future urban life.




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