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16-year-old Sydney Cider hospitalized in ICU for Covid-19

16-year-old Sydney Cider hospitalized in ICU for Covid-19


A 16 year old patient was admitted to the intensive care unit after the contract COVID-19 In Sydney.

Teens are reportedly fighting for life on ventilators at St. George’s Hospital, but Daily Mail Australia has not confirmed this to NSW Health.

The shocking news comes just 24 hours after a 27-year-old newlywed was tragically killed by a highly infectious Indian Delta stock.

“NSW Health can confirm that there is one teenager currently in the intensive care unit,” the agency said Wednesday.

Teens are reportedly fighting for life on a ventilator at St. George's Hospital (pictured), but Daily Mail Australia has not confirmed this on NSW Health.

Teens are reportedly fighting for life on a ventilator at St. George’s Hospital (pictured), but Daily Mail Australia has not confirmed this on NSW Health.

A young man who died in the shower while suffering from Covid was worried about being vaccinated for fear that it could have long-term side effects.

Ady Al-Askar collapsed on Tuesday afternoon and could not be revived.

The 27-year-old was quarantined in the Liverpool unit in southwestern Sydney with Yasmine, the wife of an elderly care nurse who was first infected with the virus and brought home from work.

The couple are due to end the 14-day forced quarantine period on Wednesday, and relatives are currently wondering if Covid contributed to his death.

He reportedly had heart disease in the Al Asker family, and his cousin Khalid Tizir told the Daily Mail Australia that he believed it was not a virus and that it cost a man’s life. rice field.

The 27-year-old was isolated from Yasmine, the wife of an elderly care nurse who was first infected with the virus and brought home from work in a Liverpool unit in southwest Sydney.

The 27-year-old was isolated from Yasmine, the wife of an elderly care nurse who was first infected with the virus and brought home from work in a Liverpool unit in southwest Sydney.

Photo: Mr. Al Askar on the wedding day just 6 weeks ago

Photo: Mr. Al Askar on the wedding day just 6 weeks ago

Mr. Tizir said his cousin, a factory worker, has not yet been vaccinated, even though the government has instructed all Sydney cider, especially those living in hotspots, to be vaccinated.

He said that given his youth, Al Askar wasn’t mistakenly thinking about prioritizing jabs.

He was also wary of the potential long-term effects of newly developed vaccines.

Photo: Ady Al-Askar

Photo: Ady Al-Askar

Thijeel emphasized that his cousin was not an “anti-vaxxer”, but hesitated after a mixed message from the federal government that first told Australians that AstraZeneca jabs were not safe for people under the age of 60. ..

“It’s my understanding that he was young and wanted to see what the long-term implications would be … he has no children yet, but that would affect them. “He said.

“He was just waiting to see.”

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on the latest immunization advice states that improved transmissibility of delta variants outweighs the small risks associated with AstraZeneca jabs.

“In outbreaks, the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca outweigh the risks of rare side effects of all ages,” the advice said.

“ATAGI reiterates that all adults in the Sydney metropolitan area need to strongly consider the benefits of early prevention with the COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca rather than waiting for an alternative vaccine.”

Six Australians died as a result of blood clots occurring after about 12.3 million doses of AstraZeneca jab.

Meanwhile, 17 people have died as a result of the current Covid outbreak in New South Wales.

How Government Health Advice on Immunization Has Changed

When the vaccine deployment began, Prime Minister Scott Morrison was confident in the way the state controlled the pandemic he publicly declared: “It’s not race.”

These comments came back just a few months later to annoy him when the highly infectious Covid Delta mutant sneaked up on our rigorous border protocol.

Since then, he has very much confirmed that it is a battle against time, and as a result, the message is confusing for some.

Initially, the AstraZeneca vaccine was only deployed to people over the age of 60. According to health advice, it was not safe for young people to get this vaccine because the risk of blood clotting is so low.

Arizona is Australia’s leading vaccine supplier, and Pfizer is publicly admired as a safer option for young people.

This advice has changed several times in response to the growing threat of Delta variants.

The latest advice is this: “In outbreaks, the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca outweigh the risk of rare side effects in all age groups.

“ATAGI reiterates that all adults in the Sydney metropolitan area need to strongly consider the benefits of early prevention with the COVID-19 vaccine AstraZeneca rather than waiting for an alternative vaccine.”

Pfizer is considered the primary preferred option in certain demographics, but it is not as easy to procure as AstraZeneca.

The death of Al-Asker made him the youngest virus victim to date in New South Wales.

New South Wales Prime Minister Gladys Beresikirian and Chief Health Officer Kelly Chant said his tragic death served as a harsh warning that the Delta variant was not age-discriminatory.

State and federal level government officials are now urging all Sydney cider to be vaccinated as soon as possible.

Initially, young people were not considered a priority age group under government development.

Al-Askar's cousin Khalid Thijeel, who took the picture with him, said the family wasn't sure he died in Covid-19, despite what the authorities told them. rice field

Al-Askar’s cousin Khalid Thijeel, who took the picture with him, said the family wasn’t sure he died in Covid-19, despite what the authorities told them. rice field

Photo: ICU staff caring for COVID-19-positive patients at St. Vincent Hospital in Sydney on Tuesday, July 13, 2021.

Photo: ICU staff caring for COVID-19-positive patients at St. Vincent Hospital in Sydney on Tuesday, July 13, 2021.

However, Ms. Beregikrian subsequently warned that Delta variants were widespread in the young community, reiterating that patients under the age of 40 are increasingly in hospitals after being infected with the virus. increase.

“The disease is fatal and affects people of all ages,” Ms. Beregikrian said Wednesday.

“I can’t emphasize how important it is to get out and get vaccinated. If you’re vaccinated, it can help you leave the hospital, leave the ICU, and reduce the spread of the virus.

Dr. Chant said Al Askar, who had been taken care of by the local health district, “suddenly deteriorated.”

“He was checked daily and complained of a bit of fatigue, but it’s my understanding that it suddenly got worse. I realize that using Covid can lead to sudden death.

Aude Al-Askar, 27, from Liverpool, southwest Sydney, felt

Aude Al-Askar, 27, from Liverpool, southwest Sydney, felt “90% feeling good” after being diagnosed with the virus at the end of last month.

But Mr. Tizir said his cousin felt “90 percent fine” as recently as Tuesday morning.

He did not develop symptoms until about a week after his diagnosis.

“He woke up yesterday, he felt good, had breakfast, called his family, and took a shower around 4 pm, and that was it,” said Thijeel.

“He just got married about 6 weeks ago … [he was] I have just started his life. ”

Al Asker’s wife, who had been isolated from him in the unit, found him unconscious in the shower and called an ambulance.

She was taken to the hospital in shock. She also had mild symptoms.

“He didn’t have a cough and nothing,” Tizir said.

New South Wales recorded another 233 cases of Covid-19 on Wednesday as Sydney's delta outbreak continues to expand.

New South Wales recorded another 233 cases of Covid-19 on Wednesday as Sydney’s delta outbreak continues to expand.

Al-Askar's cousin explained that a 27-year-old forklift driver has not yet been vaccinated with Covid.

Al-Askar’s cousin explained that a 27-year-old forklift driver has not yet been vaccinated with Covid.

Emergency medicine personnel reportedly confirmed that he was suffering from heart failure, but the hospital identified Covid as the cause of his death.

Friends expressed shock and fear when they learned of Al Askar’s death.

A woman who went to school on the weekends with Al Asker and learned Arabic with him said that he had “kindness to everyone” and that she was the “most friendly boy” she knew. I said I was alone.

She was told, “His heart couldn’t cope with the infection.”

In New South Wales, an additional 233 Covids were recorded overnight.

Forty-seven of the new cases were infectious in the community. 133 sources of infection are still under investigation.

An unvaccinated woman in her 80s in the Inner West of Sydney also died at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital on Tuesday, killing 17 people in the city’s recent outbreak of a highly contagious Delta strain.





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