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New South Wales records 283 new COVID-19 cases, killing another when Tamworth in Byron Bay is blocked


Tamworth and Byron Bay were blocked as New South Wales recorded 283 new COVID cases and another death.

The city of Tamworth, New South Wales, was closed for a week starting today at 5 pm after a COVID-positive woman from Newcastle visited the area.

Prime Minister Gladys Berejikrian said there were no other cases in the Tamworth area, but several exposed sites prompted health advice for a week-long blockade.

The Byron Shire, Richmond Valley, Lismore and Ballina Shire municipalities (LGA) will be locked down today at 6 pm after a Sydney man in his 50s visited the area during an infection.

Similar to Greater Sydney’s current restrictions, the same rules apply to the blockade.

Health in New South Wales said the man was infectious in the community for several days and investigations into why he traveled to Byron Bay are still underway.

The man is being treated in a hospital and his family is currently being interviewed.

“We are very concerned and hope to see more tests in the area,” said Chief Health Officer Kelly Chant.

A woman in her 90s who was receiving palliative care died after being tested positive for COVID-19. This is the 29th death at the time of the current outbreak.

Ms. Beregikrian said the woman was not vaccinated.

The Canterbury-Bankstown Municipal Area continues to be the epicenter of the outbreak, and the Prime Minister is urging people in the neighboring suburbs to stay vigilant.

There were 106 cases quarantined throughout the period of infection, and 42 cases were quarantined during part of the period of infection.

In the community, 64 cases were infectious and 71 cases were under investigation.

Currently, there are 349 COVID-19 cases hospitalized, 67 in the intensive care unit, 29 of whom require ventilation.

Richard Totaro, manager of the intensive care unit at the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney, said the staff was caring for the patient. Otherwise, a person who was physically healthy without an underlying health condition.

“The notable thing about this illness is that it can be an incredibly ill patient,” he said.

“It’s a really difficult, really complicated illness.”

He warned that complications from COVID-19 could last for months.

“Knowing that vaccinations are available in the community and currently available to all age groups over the age of 18, people in the ICU become very ill and have very long-term consequences. It’s very difficult to see suffering, “he says. Said.

Dr. Totaro said that state-wide ICUs are “relatively limited resources” and that COVID-19 is “usually quite full” with an extra burden.

“Usually, ICU patients are there on average for 3-4 days. Patients with COVID end up on ventilator ventilators, life support systems, and from UK data, ICU for about 3 weeks. I will stay. “

The prime minister said he hopes to get five million vaccinations by next week.

“Health experts say vaccination stops you from going to the hospital, you stop spreading it to your loved ones, and it gives us the opportunity to reduce the number of those cases. “She said.

She also said that only after the majority of the population has been vaccinated will people be able to live more freely.

The prime minister said pop-up vaccination sites will be displayed in hotspot areas in western Sydney to make people more vulnerable to vaccination.

But she said lack of access is not always a problem for health authorities to fight complacency and misinformation.

“What stops people from getting jabs is that somehow they won’t get sick, somehow they believe they are immune to it and not.” She said.

The prime minister said he was confident that health officials could vaccinate grades 24,000 and 12 in eight concerned LGAs in southwestern and western Sydney this week.

“We really want more people to come forward,” she said.

“We are not approaching capacity yet.”

The Prime Minister ruled out the proposal that restrictions could be relaxed in areas with zero COVID-19 cases and high vaccination rates.

“Since we are all connected, it is not enough to look at vaccination rates in that one suburb and the number of cases alone,” she said.

“We are all connected as nations, not to mention nations.”

A record 133,000 COVID-19 tests were conducted yesterday.

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