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Third dose of COVID-19 vaccine available in the Waterloo region for people at risk


Waterloo region will receive a third vaccination on Wednesday, “to provide an additional layer of protection against delta mutations,” for those at highest risk of health complications if infected with COVID-19 Announced that it is eligible.

NS The state has listed the following people as eligible For the third shot:

  • Transplant recipients (including solid organ transplants and hematopoietic stem cell transplants).
  • Patients with hematological malignancies (eg lymphoma, myeloma, leukemia, etc.) receiving aggressive treatment (chemotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy).
  • Administers of anti-CD20 agents (eg, rituximab, ocrelizumab, ofatumumab).
  • Residents of high-risk apartments such as long-term care facilities, high-risk licensed retirement homes, and indigenous elderly care lodges.

Dr. Hsiu-Li Wang, a medical officer in the area, said the vaccine provides strong protection against viruses and serious consequences.

“For high-risk individuals, a third dose improves the immune response and helps provide an additional layer of protection to the most vulnerable people in the community,” Wang said in a release.

Dr. Kieran Moore, Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer, Told CBCKW Morning Edition Immunization is the best method, as case rates are rising across the state.

Moore said he had no plans to offer a third dose to those who received the first and second combination vaccine brands, which could lead to travel restrictions.

“This is concrete because we have data and we make data-driven decisions,” Moore said.

“We are tracking evidence of other medical conditions,” he added, adding that eligibility could be expanded in the future.

According to the community, those who are eligible for a third dose should contact their healthcare provider to find out when to fire.

Cancer patients treated at the Grand River Regional Cancer Center can expect to be contacted by the center within the next two weeks.

The community said people could get a third vaccination from their doctor or some local pharmacies at any of the vaccination clinics operated in the area.

Anyone born in 2009 is eligible

The community also noted that the state expanded the eligibility for the first dose to all people born in 2009, with local clinics on the Boardwalk in Pinebush and Waterloo in Cambridge taking the first and second doses. Reminded people to do a walk-in for. There is also a vaccination bus that travels around the area without the need for an appointment and can be administered by your doctor or pharmacy.

The area is We are also planning a pop-up clinic at a local shopping mall Expecting to reach the students before they return to school.

The Waterloo Regional Board of Education has announced that pop-up clinics or vaccine buses will be located in the towns of Wilmot and Wellsley this week.

  • Elmira at the Woowich Memorial Center Thursday 9:30 am to 3:45 pm
  • Lynnwood Community Center Thursday 9:30 am to 1:30 pm
  • St. Jacobs, 20 Albert Street East, Saturday 10 am-2pm

Moore said the state announced a new vaccine policy three weeks before students were due to return to school due to a “sudden dropout” of people receiving the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. I need to pull it. ” This — the benefits, strength and effectiveness of immunization. “

Morning Edition-KW7:37If you are not vaccinated, be prepared for many tests

Ontario is making major changes to immunize more people, but the state has stopped truly mandating vaccines for medical and educational workers. Conversation with Dr. Keeran Moore, Chief Medical Officer of Ontario. 7:37




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