5 types of dental prostheses
Replacement or repair of dental prosthesis No Also Damaged tooth.. They can do more than improve your smile. Missing teeth affect your ability to chew, Periodontal disease.. Missing teeth can also affect the health of the jawbone and endanger other teeth.
There are several types of fixed dental instruments such as crowns and implants, including removable devices, including full dentures or removable partial dentures that can be removed as needed.
This article describes five types of dental prostheses. This allows you to informedly discuss which is best with your dentist.
NS Crown A new cover for damaged teeth.
The crown may be made of metal or porcelain. Crowns tend to be a good long-term solution for chipped, cracked or worn teeth. However, according to a 2018 study, teeth that require a significant amount of restoration have a much higher risk of failure.
To get a crown, you often need two appointments. In the typical process of a crown, the dentist does the following:
- Get a soft mold for your teeth.
- Fill the cavities of the damaged tooth (if needed).
- Prepare your teeth to prepare for the crown.
- Place the temporary crown on the teeth while creating the permanent crown in the lab.
- After a few weeks, place the cemented permanent crown in place.
Dental clinics that can make crowns on site may offer crowns on the day.
The crown is considered a relatively permanent solution. Once the crown is installed, it should last 5 to 15 years or more if properly maintained. As with any tooth, you need to brush and floss your teeth with a crown.
The crown can crack or chip over time. Alternatively, the cement holding the crown in place may soften. This will Bacteria I move and infect my teeth.
One option to replace a missing tooth is Dental implant.. This type of prosthesis is placed on the jawbone and held in place as new bone material is formed around it.
The general procedure for dental implants is as follows:
- The implant (a device like a screw) is first inserted into the mandible.
- The dentist may add an abutment to hold the crown. If the bone around the implant needs to heal first, add abutment after a few months.
- The crown is cemented to the abutment to match the surrounding teeth.
However, while implants are becoming more widely used, they can be some mechanical, technical, and biological.
- Loose screws
- Cement breakage
- Broken porcelain
- Soft tissue or bone complications around the implant
Decision to make Choose an implant or denture It can depend on the cost and whether you have enough bone to place the implant.
Cost is also an important factor in dental implants. Implants can cost as much as $ 1,600 to $ 3,000 for implants alone. Second, crowns and possible abutments can go from an additional $ 1,500 to $ 3,000. By comparison, American Dental Association The cost of a complete denture or lower denture is reported to be approximately $ 1,600. These costs also depend on your location.
If one or more teeth are missing Dental bridge A compromise between dentures and implants.
As the name implies, a dental bridge means filling the gap left by the missing tooth. Bridges are usually fixed to natural teeth at both ends of the gap and may consist of one or more dentures called pontics. In some cases, the bridge can be attached to the implant for added safety and stability.
Bridges are often made of porcelain to look like natural teeth and need to be brushed and flossed on a regular basis. To put dental floss between the bridge and the gum line, you may need a special dental floss called a threader.
The general process for getting a bridge is:
- In the first appointment, the teeth of the anchors on both sides of the bridge will be shaped and the mold will be made in your mouth. Temporary bridges may be built to fill the gap, but permanent bridges will be built within a few weeks.
- The second reservation will set up a permanent bridge. The necessary tweaks have been made to make the bridge look natural and work with a natural bite. The bridge is then locked in place.
A well-made bridge can last for decades, but five to fifteen years is a reasonable expectation.
cost For bridges, it ranges from $ 500 to over $ 1,200 per pontic. This cost does not include the cost of the crown. The crown alone can cost between $ 500 and $ 2,500 per tooth. As with other dental prostheses, these costs vary from location to location.
Dentures are prostheses that fit snugly on the gums and function as natural teeth.They are also called Dentures..
The degree of tooth loss and your taste will help you determine which type of denture is best for you. The most common types of dentures are:
- Complete denture All teeth need to be replaced and removed daily for cleaning.
- Removable partial denture Replace some, but not all, teeth.
- Corrected partial denture Also known as an implant support bridge.
- Implant-holding denture It is fixed to the implant but needs to be removed daily cleaning (Also called Snap-in denture).
Another type of denture is called a flipper. These are temporary removable partial dentures that replace one or two teeth. It is made of a material that is less durable than regular removable partial dentures because it is intended for short-term use.
Veneer Covering natural teeth with a thin, natural-looking shell helps improve natural tooth color and appearance.
The general process for getting a veneer is:
- The dentist will grind enamel Take the mold of your mouth away from your teeth.
- Using the mold, the inspector creates a veneer with porcelain or resin composite. This process can take several weeks.
- The veneer is then glued to the tooth. NS Ultraviolet rays It is used to quickly harden the cement that keeps the veneer on the teeth.
Relatively healthy teeth are needed to support veneers. Veneers can last 10 to 15 years before they need to be replaced.
Veneer prices range from approximately $ 925 to $ 2,500 per tooth.
Dental prostheses help provide one or more of the following benefits:
- Improves tooth appearance and increases self-confidence and self-esteem
- Improves chewing ability and allows you to eat a healthy diet
- Supports the health and strength of the jawbone and supports the strength of other teeth
- Protection from periodontal disease that can lead to serious health problems
If you have just lost a tooth or have lost it for a while, consult your dentist immediately. Missing teeth can contribute to the loss of surrounding bone mass and increase the risk of periodontal disease. Both can affect your overall oral health. The longer you wait, the more extensive and irreversible the damage can be.
Other symptoms that need to encourage conversation with the dentist about the prosthodontic solution are:
Obtaining a dental prosthesis can be a life-changing decision. Dental prostheses can improve your smile and how you feel about your appearance, improve oral health, and avoid problems related to nutrition, digestion, periodontal disease, and loss of mandibular material. ..
Talk to your dentist to find the right prosthetic solution for your dental needs and decide which one is best for your health and budget.
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