NSW Covid Update: Beregicrian Flags “Much Normal” with 70% Vaccination Rate in Mid-October | Coronavirus
New South Wales has the potential to open pubs, restaurants, stadiums, hairdressing and other services to fully vaccinated people by mid-October.
Premier Gladys Berejikrian By mid-October, when the state was expected to reach the 70% double-dose milestone, which gives liberty to vaccinated residents, life would feel “very normal.”
The state reported 1,116 new Covid cases on Wednesday. Four women in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s have died. At that time, they were all hospitalized.
“Everything we’ve long missed, whether attending a public event or drinking a drink, if you’re fully vaccinated and the state has achieved its 70% double dose target. Expect to do that, “says Beregikrian.
It follows Beregicrian’s previous prediction that October will be the most difficult time for the state’s hospital system.
She again refused to see what modeling by NSW was health Say “it changes every day” about the number of possible cases or to release it.
“Obviously, New South Wales has always taken a responsible approach, but the national plan is to expect to go out and eat with two doses of 70% and attend public events. You can expect it, a service you can’t expect now, “she said at a media conference at 11:00 am.
However, it may take some time before Beregicrian describes them as high-risk and allows home visits.
She also refused to say whether visits to older relatives and elderly housing with care were allowed, saying that she would be guided by health advice.
“We know that indoor gatherings and people who come to your home are at high risk. But if there are many other things we can’t do right now, 70% of the adult population will be vaccinated. You have to expect them to be possible when you receive them. That’s the word of national planning, “she said.
She asked the business to “shatter their Covid-safe plans.” She foresaw that QR code check-in for density requirements (perhaps four per square meter), vaccination verification, and wearing a mask in certain settings are likely to remain.
The new freedoms are currently 12 and may not apply to the Covid-hotspot LGA, which covers most of the west and southwest. Sydney, And 1.5 million people live in it.
“We are clearly considering these issues, but wherever you live, as long as you are 70% vaccinated, your life will be much better and much more free,” she said. Said.
Berejiklian also plans to allow NSW to travel abroad when the state reaches 80% double vaccination (preferably in November), and the home quarantine of returnees was “clear.” I confirmed.
She said she would welcome citizens of other states flying to New South Wales airports.
But in the meantime, New South Wales will cut the number of international visitors entering the hotel’s quarantine in half to redirect staff to a stressed hospital system. Beregikrian said it wouldn’t make sense to have thousands of staff to manage the hotel’s quarantine when the hospital’s Covid ward was under pressure.
Currently, there are 970 Covid-19 cases in New South Wales hospitals, 150 in the intensive care unit and 66 in the ventilator. Most of the new cases remain in the Canterbury-Bankstown, Cumberland and Blacktown areas.
Outbreaks continue in the western part of the state, with new cases occurring in Wilcannia and Dubbo. Health officials are currently moving 30 motorhomes to Wilcannia’s Council Caravan Park to help with a serious housing shortage. This made it impossible for people to be effectively isolated.
At least 112 people in Sydney prisons were positive, including 61 prisoners at the Parkley Correction Center and at least 50 at the Silverwater Metropolitan Remand and Reception Center. There was one case at the Silverwater Women’s Orthodontic Center.
Nine prison officers also tested positive at the Bathurst correctional facility in New South Wales.
With news that Australia’s border may open in November, Australia is currently facing the possibility of international flights arriving in New South Wales, but interstate travel remains restricted. Berejiklian again urged the state to stick to the national cabinet plan for opening.
“All the conversations I have with the Prime Minister suggest that the country will continue to move forward. Victoria treats Covid in terms of accepting what Delta stocks are like. I feel like I’m probably around the corner, “she said.
“All states must accept that you can’t live in a bubble forever. Your citizens will want to travel between states, your business wants to go between states. You will think, citizens will want to go abroad, and will come back from abroad. At twice the dose of 80% that our national plan says, then when? ? “She said.
However, New South Wales is still in the most difficult situation weeks ahead when it comes to case numbers and hospitalization. Berejiklian declined modeling comments or releases from health authorities.
“You shouldn’t get into the habit of providing uncertain information because it depends on input, vaccination rates, and people’s behavior. It depends on compliance,” she said.
“We know that there is always a delay between someone getting sick and being hospitalized. Given the number of cases and vaccination rates, the highest hospitalization rates are at some stage in October. I expect. “She said.
She said she couldn’t remember the number she was given.
-With the Australian Associated Press
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