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Cases of NSWCOVID will increase by 1220.Eight recorded deaths


“Obviously, if these municipal areas are 80’s high and the state average is 74%, that means some areas are behind,” she added. ..

“We want to make sure we carry out targeted strategies in these communities. Don’t be left behind when we start to open up. At twice the dose we 70% When released, it will only benefit those who have been vaccinated. “

Dr. Chant said the increase was a “good outcome”, but he still saw too many unprotected people over the age of 70 or 50.

Dr. Chant said there were 192 patients in the intensive care unit, 75 of whom needed ventilation.

“I repeat because they span all ages, but I repeat the fact that no one should be happy with COVID. Get vaccinated,” said Dr. Chant.

She said the main areas of concern were Guildford, Auburn, Merrylands, Greenacre, Bankstown, Punch Bowl, Dowel and Granville.

“I would like to call the Central Coast. There are an increasing number of cases on the Central Coast, so go out and take the test.”

Premier does not see COVID death modeling

After release on Monday Modeling by Burnet’s LabAt a press conference on Tuesday, Mr. Beregikrian, who informed New South Wales’ plans for a surge in hospitals, was asked if he had seen modeling to predict COVID-19 deaths in the coming months.

The prime minister said she didn’t. “Sure, I haven’t seen anything. The greatest protection for us is to follow health orders and be vaccinated,” she added.


Ms. Beregikrian was then asked many questions about the state’s planned reopening with a 70% double dose coverage for people over the age of 16.

She is wealthier in Sydney with higher vaccination rates for service NSW vaccination certificate pilots working with the government working on deregulation on October 14th, or working with existing Medicare records. Refused to make sure to focus on the area of ​​the lowercase number.

“We get advice from Health about the best place to do that,” she said. “I’m sure there are different places to make sure we do it right.”

“We consider various factors”

Dr. Chant said there may be factors that go beyond the range of vaccinations to consider when the state achieves the double dose target of 70% of people over the age of 16.

Given that the latest coronavirus information on Tuesday will take time for the vaccine to take effect, it will take two weeks for the state to reach its goal and relax the restrictions on full vaccination. I asked the Chief Health Officer if a delay was needed.

“We consider a variety of factors,” she said, and the trajectory of the case, the range of vaccinations, and the range of people who are fairly distributed and vulnerable are all important in communicating her health advice. I pointed out whether it is.

“We consider multiple factors in providing advice and will continue to review the advice against those indicators as they change.”

Dr. Chant maintained his previous position that New South Wales could reach a 90% immunization rate, noting that the state’s childhood immunization rate is over 95%.

“We are generally a community that embraces the opportunities offered by vaccines in the prevention of infectious diseases,” she said.

At the beginning of the press conference, Dr. Chant was asked if the vaccine passport could be “expired” if people did not receive the booster.

She said they would need to work in detail, but expected booster intake would be high as well.

Victoria Reported 246 new local cases overnightIncludes 156 with no known sources.




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