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Covid0-19: Canberra Chief Condemns Plans to Reopen Gladys Beregicrian in New South Wales in Mid-October


New South Wales Prime Minister Gladys Beregikrian’s goal of relaxing restrictions by mid-October has been accused of being “dangerous” by the leaders of her closest neighbors.

Gladys Berejikrian’s promise to return the lives of fully vaccinated New South Wales residents to “normal” by mid-October was criticized by the leader of her closest neighbor.

When asked about plans to reopen New South Wales in October, ACT Prime Minister Andrew Barr said he considered Canberra “ambitious”, stressing that Canberra was unlikely to follow suit.

“I don’t guess because New South Wales may do the adventurous and dangerous thing we copy them,” Barr told reporters in his Covid-19 case update on Monday. Told.

“It wasn’t our approach in general.”

Ms. Beregikrian told New South Wales residents last Wednesday that life would feel “much normal” by mid-October, when the state is expected to reach 70% of its fully vaccinated target. rice field.

“Everything we’ve long missed, whether attending a public event or drinking a drink, if you’re fully vaccinated and the state has achieved its 70% double dose target. Expect to do that, “said NSW Premier.

However, Mr. Barr criticized Bellezi Klean for perfectly predicting when he would reach the 70% vaccination milestone and assuming that it would be safe to resume at that point.

“It’s hard to predict whether New South Wales will begin to gradually slow down vaccination growth because they already have the most enthusiastic people who have been vaccinated and they are vaccinated. Share begins to decline, “Bur said.

“Given that many things can change in 6-7 days now, it’s a bit ridiculous to play a rule-in or rule-out game about what can happen in 6-7 weeks. And it seems.”

Instead, Mr. Barr said his own jurisdiction would adapt the resumption plan as the spread of the virus itself changed and changed.

“We want to understand the case load of the situation, the effective regeneration rate, and where the vaccine efficacy is at that time,” Barr said.

“If the number of cases is significantly reduced and the spread of the virus is significantly reduced (safe in 6-7 weeks), then (possibility of resumption) will be considered.”

Canberra recorded 19 new locally acquired cases of Covid-19 on Monday, bringing the total number of outbreaks in the capital to 404.

Of the 19 new cases, 11 were quarantined for the entire duration of infection, 6 were transmitted to the community, and 2 have not yet been determined.

Of the submissions, 13 are related to existing cases and 6 are under investigation.

Barr confirmed that eight Canberans are currently hospitalized in Covid-19 and one is using a ventilator in the intensive care unit.

The prime minister told reporters that vaccination coverage for ACT as a whole was good, but there is still a long way to go in the region.

“There are 185,000 Canberra who have not been vaccinated yet and 267,000 who have not been fully vaccinated,” he said.

“This means that 80% of the population of 12 or more is still months away from being fully vaccinated.”





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