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David Cameron explores new era in UK-Central Asia relations through regional visit

David Cameron explores new era in UK-Central Asia relations through regional visit


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Lord David Cameron heralded a new era in Britain's relations with Central Asia on a visit to the region amid concerns that trade sanctions against Russia are being circumvented by its neighbour.

The Foreign Secretary will travel to Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Mongolia as part of diplomatic efforts to strengthen trade, security and environmental ties with the UK.

As he announces a series of measures to support hard-won sovereignty, he will warn that Central Asia is at the epicenter of the greatest challenge we face.

There is more we can do to cooperate in key areas such as business, climate change and counter-terrorism, Sir Cameron said during a meeting with Tajikistan President Emomali Rahmon at the National Palace in Dushanbe on Monday.

I am delighted to be the first Foreign Minister to visit your country. He told President Ramon he was sorry it took so long to get just one.

We want to usher in a new era in relations between the UK and the Central Asian republics, starting here in Tajikistan.

Overall, we said let's make our partnership bigger and do more together.

(Stefan Russo/PA Wire)

The trip, the first by a British foreign secretary to Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan, comes amid reports that British luxury cars are still heading to Moscow through the former Soviet Union countries.

Britain banned exports of luxury cars to Russia after President Vladimir Putin went to war with Ukraine two years ago, but there are concerns that sales to neighboring countries may suddenly surge.

Sir Cameron will seek to advance discussions on sanctions circumvention, human rights and reform in his meetings with leaders across the region, the Foreign Office said.

He will double the amount of funding for Chevening Scholarships, which support study abroad at UK universities, and announce $50 million in development spending across the region over the next three years.

The Foreign Office said new plans designed to promote English would also be announced, including online teaching resources with tailored local content available to teachers across Central Asia.

(Stefan Russo/PA Wire)

The Foreign Minister is also scheduled to visit key sites such as the Nurek Dam hydroelectric power project in Tajikistan and the canal irrigation site in Kyrgyzstan, which are highly dependent on Russian fuel.

Speaking ahead of the trip, Sir Cameron said: We live in a highly competitive world. We need to get out there and compete to protect and promote UK interests.

Central Asia is at the epicenter of the greatest challenges we face and is vital to the UK and the region as we drive future prosperity.




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