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Covid 19: Novavax is expected to be New Zealand’s first Covid-19 booster vaccine


Novavax has firmly established itself as a vaccine for the New Zealand Government to use in the Covid-19 booster shot program and is expected to ship in large quantities early next year.

The government has been under great pressure to reach out Potential vaccine booster program, When thing We understand that Novavax has emerged as a top candidate to be used to offer Covid-19 booster shots in 2022, subject to Medsafe approval.

A new study from Israel suggests that the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine declines significantly over time.

“We expect to receive most of the 5.36 million vaccine courses we purchased from Novavax in the first quarter of next year,” confirmed Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins. thing..

read more:
* Covid-19 NZ: Could the vaccine be deployed sooner?
* Covid-19: How does the Janssen single vaccine work and when is it available?
* Single-dose Janssencovid-19 vaccine approved for use in New Zealand
* Covid-19: Vaccine booster shots have potential in the future, but require more research and planning

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern also announced on Tuesday that the government had procured additional Pfizer vaccines from other countries to maintain the pace of the current national vaccination program. She didn’t share details about how many, where they came from, and when they arrived.

The Novavax vaccine will now be approved by drug regulator Medsafe, which has received an application from Novavax and states on its website that it has “data under evaluation, additional data provided by sponsors.”

It is understood that if approved, it is likely to be approved with the latest information within the next few months.

Covid-19 Minister for Response Chris Hipkins expects more than 5 million courses of Novavax vaccine early next year.

Robert Kitchen / Staff

Covid-19 Minister for Response Chris Hipkins expects more than 5 million courses of Novavax vaccine early next year.

The currently used vaccine, Pfizer, has been approved by Medsafe, and the AstraZeneca and Janssen vaccines have also been tentatively approved by regulatory agencies.

“The government has not yet received advice on the effectiveness of the vaccine and booster shot mix, but it is really encouraging Novavax’s progress in further development of vaccines to combat new variants of Covid-19. “We do,” said Hipkins.

In common with Pfizer, Novavax is a double dose vaccine, Administered at 3-week intervals in clinical trials.

Vaccine approval is Medsafe’s authority, but it is the Cabinet that decides on its use in the deployment of the vaccine. It is expected at the end of this year or the beginning of the new year.

Ardan and Covid-9 Response Minister Chris Hypkins said earlier They expect an annual vaccine booster For Covid-19 to become popular, it’s the same way that new flu vaccines are released each year to fight emerging strains.

“But our goal is to move control of Covid-19 to a place similar to what we do seasonally with influenza. When Ardan declared 2021 as the” year of vaccines “in January. , It wouldn’t be a disease that simply disappears after a single vaccination. “

The government is currently waiting for details, but preliminary evidence of the effectiveness of the new Novavax vaccine is promising. The company plans to apply for regulatory approval in the UK in September and shortly thereafter in Australia.

“With Medsafe approval, Novavax believes it will be a very effective addition of weapons in the medium- to long-term battle with Covid-19 and supports the portfolio approach adopted last year.”

Novavax, a small American vaccine maker listed on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange, is known as the “dark horse” in the global competition for vaccine production.

In June, the company announced the results of a new generation of protein-based vaccine NVX-CoV2373 vaccine in 30,000 people. Early results showed 100% protection against “moderate and useful illnesses” and an overall efficacy rate of 90%.

The company says it will be able to administer 150 million doses a month by the end of the year with regulatory approval.




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