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US Coronavirus: “We will not boost or avoid this pandemic,” said the CDC director, who states that 70 million Americans remain unvaccinated.

US Coronavirus: “We will not boost or avoid this pandemic,” said the CDC director, who states that 70 million Americans remain unvaccinated.


“The most vulnerable are unvaccinated,” said Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Friday CDC approved Third shot of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine to an expanded group of Americans.

“Starting today, if six months have passed since the last dose of the Pfizer vaccine, you are eligible for booster immunization if you fall into one of the three high-risk groups,” US surgeon Dr. Bibekmercy said in a briefing. Said.

“First place: You are over 65 years old. Second place: You have a high risk of serious illness in Covid, and these conditions include obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and chronic kidney disease. Included. And # 3: You work or live in an environment at high risk of exposure to Covid. This includes medical personnel, teachers, shelters and prisoners, and grocery stores. Workers are included, “says Mercy.

Warrensky acknowledged that the country needs to increase the number of initial vaccinations, even as more Americans become eligible. Pandemic It subsides.

“I’d like to clarify, but I’m not going to help you get out of this pandemic,” she said on Friday.

The United States has fully vaccinated more than 55% of all residents as of Friday. CDC data Indicates that 75% of vaccinated individuals received at least one vaccination.
NS Recent CNN analysis Shows that the average mortality rate of Covid-19 in the 10 least vaccinated states was more than four times higher in the past week than in the 10 most vaccinated states.

The CDC Vaccine Advisor recommended that booster shots be qualified for people over the age of 65 and those at risk of health-those who may be disproportionately exposed to the virus at work. It was not possible to increase that threshold to include it. However, Warrensky worked in her guidance to explain the occupational exposure group.

The 1918 influenza pandemic killed 50 million people.These lessons may help you avoid repetition in Covid-19

“Some people really voted … our health workers, frontline workers, early vaccinated people, meetinghouse workers, correctional facilities, grocery workers really It deserves a vaccine, “Walensky said. CNN’s Erin Burnett. “The question was not’yes’or’no’, but’wait now’,” she added.

Ultimately, the booster’s decision was about “providing access rather than refraining from it,” and the need to protect society as a whole, Warensky explained.

At a California State University clinic, a healthcare professional fills a syringe with the Pfizer / BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine. Los Angeles County began offering booster shots on Friday.

The booster is ready

Boosters are already available, and CVS Health announced on Friday that nearly 6,000 of its locations have begun offering appointments for a third dose of Pfizer vaccine.

“Individuals who were first vaccinated with Moderna or Johnson & Johnson (Jansen) COVID-19 vaccine are not currently eligible for boosters,” the company said, as federal health authorities only approve Pfizer booster shots. Stated.

Those who choose to go to booster shots will be asked to “self-certify their eligibility” as outlined by public health authorities, CVS said. They must also be recipients of the first two doses of Pfizer.

Walensky is working to reassure those who have received the Moderna or J & J vaccine that health authorities have not forgotten them and to decide on the next step.

Booster doses have just been approved in the United States.At least 15 countries have not yet vaccinated 3% of their population

“With similar urgency, we will evaluate the data available in the coming weeks and quickly make additional recommendations for other populations at risk and for those who have been vaccinated with Moderna and J & J.”

US Food and Drug Administration said with Moderna to get and process data as soon as possible with the goal of making booster recommendations to Moderna and J & J recipients in the coming weeks. We are working with J & J. ” High, high priority. “

In California, Los Angeles County also began showing evidence of vaccination and providing booster shots to residents confirming their eligibility on Friday, the county’s public health department said in a news release. People living in long-term care facilities, people over the age of 18 with underlying illness, or front-line workers are also eligible for a third dose, department officials said.

Many schools were closed due to the outbreak of Covid-19.

The headaches faced by school officials and parents were highlighted in a study published Friday on the impact of pandemics on face-to-face learning.

According to the report, a case of Covid-19 was detected, affecting the education and welfare of 933,000 students, and about 1,800 schools were closed between August 1st and September 17th. CDC research..
Vaccine obligations could drive thousands of teachers out of New York City schools next week

Nearly 60,000 teachers in 44 states were also affected by the closure, with the highest number of closures in the South, the study found.

According to a CDC survey, looking at data from 8,700 districts across the country, “the most districts with complete distance learning were in the West Census Area (14), followed by the South (11). Seven districts and two districts in the northeast provided complete distance learning. ”

Studies show that schools in the South returned in early August rather than in other areas, which usually begin in late August or early September, so the timing of returning to school could be a factor in school closures.

Studies show that the Covid-19 outbreak closed 300 Tennessee schools, the most common in the United States, followed by Georgia, Kentucky, Texas, and South Carolina.

To mitigate the Covid-19 epidemic, the CDC recommends that school people wear masks and keep a physical distance from screen tests, even if they are vaccinated.

CNN’s Maggie Fox, Deidre McPhillips, Virginia Langmaid, Stella Chen and Elizabeth Stuart contributed to this report.





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