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Researcher Knut Wittkowski opposes COVID-19 lockdown


Knut Witkowski

It’s a sequel.
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It’s a sequel.
Knut Witkowski
It’s a sequel.

Knut Wittkowski, a researcher who argued against lockdowns to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, believes the country needs to reach “herd immunity.”

In an interview with Spike on May 15, 2020, Wittkowski said:

When the whole thing started, there was one reason for the blockade, to prevent the hospital from being overloaded. No matter what we do, there is no indication that the hospital may have been overloaded. So we could reopen and forget everything. We hope that the intervention did not have much impact, as the situation is most likely to have deteriorated.

Wittkowski also claims that COVID-19 is “not dangerous unless there are serious age-related comorbidities.” Therefore, it is dangerous to get infected if you are in a nursing home because you cannot live alone. (Approximately 40% of COVID-19 deaths nationwide are concentrated in nursing homes and nursing homes, at least in the states reporting the data. It was found in a nonprofit foundation analysis. You can read the survey, including rates for each state in which such a facility occurred. here.. )

You can read the full interview with Wittkowski’s Spike. here.

He told outlets the cost of the blockade, including increased rates of suicide and domestic violence, and those who wouldn’t go to hospital because of other illness when needed. (the study JAMA Psychiatry It turned out that “there are likely to be adverse consequences for the risk of suicide” because of measures taken to prevent COVID-19, such as lockdowns. New York Times article reported Domestic violence was increasing worldwide due to COVID-19. Some cities reported The number of domestic violence soaring during a pandemic. )

Heavy asked Wittkowski for an interview. The website of his company.
What is Knut Wittkowski

Here’s what you need to know.

1. Rockefeller University announces statement from Knut Wittkowski

Pandemic Outlook | Updated Interview with Professor Knut Wittkowski | Episode 5Pandemic Episode 5 Outlook: In this expensive follow-up interview, Knut Wittkowski states that his first claim was substantiated. So even worse than useless. Whitkowski turns into an emotional and dark cartoon, covering all the important topics of the crisis and providing answers you won’t see in the major media. Do not miss it. Watch previous episodes on the Pandemic: Episode 1: Episode 2: (Currently offline) Available on Facebook: Episode 3: Episode 4: Episode 5: Episode 6: Episode 7: You can find the transcript of this interview And read the Witkowski study here: 00: 15-Whitkowski explains his background 02: 17-Reaching the herd’s immunity in New York City 03: 48-Witkowski has political challenges in his science? 04: 44-How did the evaluation of the fashion by Witkowski develop? 07: 37-Did some countries reach peak infection rates before lockdown? 10: 38-New York City Hospital Status 12: 01-Are You Over Your Peak COVID-19 Infection? 14: 00-Contact Tracking 14: 40-Is the initial calculation an honest mistake? 19: 44-Did the civil servants forget that the blockade will kill more people? 22: 20-Is there any self-restriction for COVID-19? 25: 41-Getting closer to herd immunity 28: 43-Can we reach herd immunity faster? 33: 35-Is sunlight and being outdoors really a way to fight COVID-19? 35: 22-The role of Bill Gates in a pandemic 38: 20-Discussion about the need for lockdowns to fight COVID-19 39: 46-Latest antibody testing and the publication of research 44: 16-COVID- Who benefits from a pandemic, unlike 19:47, which is another non-fundamental flu? 50: 40-What’s happening in Sweden 52: 07-Are you moving towards the second surge of COVID-19? 56: 20-Deadline survey 57: 40-Is a pandemic created? 59: 43-The science behind our approach 01: 02: 06-What do we do now? Subscribe to Journeyman here: Knut Wittkowski spent 20 years in charge of biostatistics, epidemiology, and research design at Rockefeller University. He was never (a) a professor at the Rockefeller University because Dr. Whitkowski misrepresented his former affiliation and was accused of not disclosing potential conflicts of interest, Or no claim, (b) I would like to declare I am currently the CEO, including ASDERA LLC, which may be potentially effective against viral (including coronavirus) diseases , A company that has discovered new interventions for complex diseases. For more information, Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: Follow us on Instagram: Visit our subreddit: Libby Handross & John Kirby2020-04-28T22: 01: 00.000Z

On April 13, 2020, Rockefeller University, where Witkowski worked, Make a statement “ The opinions expressed by Knut Wittkowski in order to increase social distance to accelerate the development of herd immunity to the new coronavirus do not represent the views of Rockefeller University, its leadership, or its faculty. . “

“Witkovsky was previously hired by Rockefeller as a biostatistician. He has never held the title of Professor Rockefeller.”

2. YouTube Removed Video Featuring Wittkowski, Report Says

Coronavirus Vitamin D, Vitamin D Deficiency Coronavirus, Covid 19 Vitamin D, Covid 19 Vitamin D Deficiency, Coronavirus Lung

GettyThis scan shows an advanced coronavirus infection in the lungs.

The New York Post describes Whitkowski He has previously partnered with Rockefeller University and states that YouTube has caused previous controversy by deleting his video, which talks about the coronavirus that has been viewed more than a million times. The article calls Whitkowski “a ferocious critic of the current nation to fight the coronavirus” and says it favors herd immunity as an approach to prevent COVID-19. I will.

According to the post, he said in a video that was deleted: “In all respiratory illnesses, the only thing that stops the disease is herd immunity. About 80% of people need to have been exposed to the virus. “The majority of them aren’t even aware they’re infected.” According to the post, Whitkowski was a “German citizen” and said, “Ignoring New York’s coronavirus regulations, I walk in maskless and eat in an underground restaurant. “

3. Wittkowski writes a research article on COVID-19

Photo by Andrew Milligan – WPA Pool / Getty ImagesTechnicians scan a test tube containing a live sample of the virus.

Writt by Wittkowski In a research study on March 28, 2020, it was called “the first three months of the COVID-19 epidemic: epidemiological evidence for the spread of two different strains of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and their impact on preventive strategies.” It is You can find it here. This is a preprint. That is, it has not been peer reviewed. Click Review PDF to view the entire survey.

This article says:

Approximately one month after the COVID-19 epidemic peaked in mainland China and SARS-CoV-2 moved from China to Western Europe and the United States, epidemiological data showed that disease-related risks and efficacy of interventions. Strategies that will begin to provide important insights about strategies. Like other respiratory illnesses, including the 2003 SARS epidemic, the virus remains for only about two months in a particular population, but peak incidence and lethality vary.

He found that the data suggested that there are at least two COVID-19 strains in the world. The competing interests study in this study states: Wittkowski is currently CEO of ASDERA LLC, a company that discovers new treatments for complex diseases from genome-wide association data. One of these treatments may be potentially effective against viral (including coronavirus) diseases. “

The research claims:

Lockdown is effective when the exponential growth in effective cases ends during the month following the peak of the infection. Early containment of low-risk people only extends the time the virus needs to circulate until the incidence is high enough to initiate a “population immunity.” Subsequent containment is useless unless you prevent rebound if contained too early.

The article explains this background for Witkowski.

Dr. Wittkowski holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Stuttgart and a ScD (Habilitation) in Medical Biometrics from Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen, Germany. He has worked for 15 years with Klaus Dietz, a leading epidemiologist who coined the term “reproductive number” for HIV epidemiology, and then for 20 years at the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design at Rockefeller University in New York. I went to. Dr. Whitkowski is currently CEO of ASDERA LLC, a company that is discovering new interventions for complex (including coronavirus) diseases from genome-wide association data.

4. Wittkowski’s background includes research on HIV / AIDS


In 2008, WHO reported that HIV / AIDS was the sixth deadliest illness in the world, killing about 1.78 million people worldwide. The small green spots above attack useful white blood cells that help the body fight off diseases and illnesses.
As of 2009, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention currently reports that 1.1 million people have AIDS. Although there is no cure yet, new advances in drugs are enabling people with drug therapy to live longer and healthier lives.

GettyProfessor Jean-Claude Chermann is working on the AIDS virus laboratory at the Pasteur Institute in Paris on April 25, 1984.

On LinkedInWhitkowski says he is CEO / Founder of Asdera, LLC in New York. “ASDERA develops and licenses a new drug IP from genetic data. A drug that prevents aphasia in autism has been licensed to Q BioMed (QBIO). Now ASDERA improves autophagy However, we are looking for partners to commercialize a treatment class (patent pending) that reduces inflammation in age-related conditions such as metastatic, neurodegenerative, cardiovascular and metabolic disorders. “

According to his LinkedIn page, he was a senior researcher at the Rockefeller University of New York in 1998 in the role of “Centers for Clinical Statistics and Translational Sciences, Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Study Design.” .. He was also the “biometrics” of the same university.

He is also a co-author of research on things like “Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology”.

Prior to that, he was a consultant at the New York Medical Academy. He was the co-author of a research article on reporting sexual risk behaviors in HIV.

Mr. Wittkowski was also a visiting researcher at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States Center for Disease Control for six months in the 1990s HIV / AIDS Prevention Division and four years as an associate professor at the University of Tubingen.

He was also a visiting professor at the University of Waterloo, School of Statistical Mathematics, and Columbia University in New York City. He was a year-long stakeholder in the Center for HIV Clinical Behavior Research in 1995 and was the co-author of an article dealing with the protective effects of condoms and nonoxynol-9 against HIV infection.

Witkowski has been a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Tubingen for ten years. He received a medical biometrics education certification from the university. According to his LinkedIn page, he received his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Stuttgart in the 1980s.

Cindy Lu, director of Biogen, wrote an old recommendation from LinkedIn on Wittkowski. Wittkowski is knowledgeable and easy to collaborate. Always understand your needs and find ways to do the best for you. A great professional and a great person! “

One paper written by Wittkowski on HIV / AIDS said: “It was proposed that avoiding partners at high risk of HIV infection would provide 5000 times better protection against HIV infection than using condoms. In this paper, this guideline is primarily a reality. It is based on a theoretical assumption. ”See more in his publication here.

5. Experts’ views on herd immunity are different


Wikimedia CommonsCoronavirus.

Heavy contacts Sciline, who connects journalists and COVID-19 experts, and asks about the views of other experts on herd immunity and quarantine. Sciline sent back a link to the expert citation rounding up on the topic.

One of Sciline’s articles states, “What is herd immunity, and which part of the population needs the COVID-19 antibody to achieve it?” (Read the full text here. It also deals with expert opinion on antibodies. )

“Collective immunity refers to individuals with sufficient immunity that the virus spreads rapidly and does not infect large numbers of people. The threshold required for effective herd immunity depends on the infectivity of the virus. For example, measles is so contagious that at least 90% of people need to be vaccinated to prevent its outbreak. Experts say 60-70% of herd immunity is probably COVID-19. The United States is far from that, even if 1 million cases are proven, even if the cases tested make up only 10% of all cases, immunity The total number of certified individuals is less than 10% of the US population. ”

— John Williams, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh; Director, i4Kids; Head of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh (Posted May 6, 2020)

“Immunity of Populations or Protection of Herds” describes the phenomenon in which enough people in the community become immune to bacteria. Therefore, when bacteria are introduced, for example, people traveling from “outside the flock” will come into contact without the bacteria becoming established dead ends for most people’s immunity. There is still no way to know how many of the population have to be immune or partially immune to the virus to achieve some protection, but as more and more people become immunized, they become infected. You can see the number of individual people who are declining significantly in each case of COVID-19. Take chickenpox as an example. Imagine a 4th grade class. There are 15 students in the class, all of whom are vaccinated against chickenpox. If a new student comes to school and has chickenpox, the virus has nowhere to go due to the immunity of the classroom. There is no occurrence and everything is fine. But what if only 12 students were vaccinated? Now one original case can become four cases. This is why the immunity of the population is so important – it is the surest way to stop the bacteria on their tracks. “

— C. Buddy Kuritch, MD, MPH, Vanderbilt Vaccine Research Program Director, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine and Medical Center, Associate Professor of Pediatric Infectious Diseases (May 6, 2020)

“This varies from case to case, but more than 70% of the population usually requires antibodies to achieve collective immunity.”

— Arturo Casadevall MD, PhD, Chair of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Bloomberg Johns Hopkins Distinguished School of Public Health (6 May 2020)

“We are trying to acquire what is called herd immunity. This is the concept that there are enough people in the population to be immune to the disease. Who is not yet affected by this disease? Since thighs are already sick and can no longer be infected, we can prevent them from getting infected, and there is a calculation on how this is measured, which is related to the transmission of the disease itself. … in general, this disease-in the case of COVID-19-perhaps we want to make sure that 60-70% of the population is previously immune We can say it’s comfortable. I think people may give you other numbers, but that’s the general meaning. “

— Nahid Bhadelia, MD, MD, Medical Director, Boston University School of Medicine, MD (Posted 5/7/2020)

Read the following: California Doctor Criticizes State COVID-19 Approach


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