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Two Seattle Residents Receive MacArthur Foundation “Genius” Grant


Trevor Bedford and Don Me Choi

Two persons Although we couldn’t fully represent the creativity and power of our city, the MacArthur Foundation had some serious wisdom when it included Trevor Bedford and Don Me Choi in it. Surely covered the target terrain List of 2021 “Genius” Grant Recipients..

Bedford, a computational virologist at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, became prominent during the coronavirus pandemic because his career interests overlapped with the interests of almost everyone these days. rice field.Early on, he Warned a colleague that he might handle another “1918” And long before people knew they were worried about Delta and Lambda, they began to identify virus strains. “Through his rigorous and timely analysis of evolutionary dynamics and efforts to create open source and collaboration tools,” the Foundation Observe, “Bedford is improving our collective ability to detect the emergence of new viruses and respond to outbreaks of infectious diseases.” It’s a bit important.

Bedford has gained a large follower on Science Twitter and shared its appreciation for the $ 625,000 stringless grant paid over five years. “I was honored and completely overwhelmed by that recognition … Flexible funding with multi-year commitment is a dream of a professional scientist and I am very grateful for this opportunity. teeth Tweet.. “

Many of Seattle’s prosperous scientific communities will certainly envy their freedom when they learn of Choi’s coveted awards, as do many Seattle poets and creatives. Or they will just be excited about what a talented soul-born poet and translator can do with her precious resources at her disposal.

Last year, the latest collection of poets and translators, DMZ colony, Won the National Book Award. She became the first Seattle citizen to receive that honor since Theodore Roethke in 1965. This time she adds a “genius” grant to her haul. (Che is she “Silence”).

Called her colonial investigation, DMZ colony, I feel that the amount of poetry is not enough.As a former art editor Stephan Milne wrote, “Throughout the book, she overturns what a” normal “poetry collection looks like and sounds. I can’t find any clean and personal lyrics that march down the page. These are book-length events, photo constellations, drawings, prose, quotations (Roland Baltic, Edouard Grisan), transcribed interviews, imagining monologues appearing in Korean and English, Samuel Beckett. I expressed the poetry collection of. “

The MacArthur Foundation states on its website that it is looking for “extraordinary creativity” and “significant promises of future progress based on significant achievements” when choosing fellows. By these criteria, the Foundation could not have done better than choosing Hee-seop Choi or Bedford.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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