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Influenza in Spain Infects Eureka in October 1918 – Times-Standard


The deadly Spanish influenza outbreak headed to Eureka on October 11, 1918.

According to the first article in the Humboldt Times October 12, 1918 article, city doctor Lawrence Wing and George Cousins’s Eureka Mayor, George Cousins, confirmed their first four cases in their home on Ace Street. Announced isolated.

According to the story, the two boarders living in a local family’s home went to San Francisco for a few days before returning to Eureka to get sick with the Spanish flu. Two other people (another boarder and one landlord) became ill several days later. Everything stayed in bed and told to recover. Other homeowners did not get the flu and were told by health officials to keep it separate from other homes.

At a press conference when asked by a Humboldt Times reporter if the house would be quarantined, Wing said: … We monitor the incident very carefully, and new developments and the occurrence of other incidents are addressed as opportunities arise. “

A cousin, also at a press conference on October 11, 1918, could leave schools, churches, theatres, and other places where large numbers of people gather, if Spanish influenza cases continue to spread in Eureka. Said.

“We take every possible precaution here to prevent the spread of the flu illness. If we have the opportunity to take drastic action to do so, we will respond immediately when needed. Cainz said in the Humboldt Times article.

In October 1918, the Spanish flu infected Eureka. Four out of five homes on Eighth Street in Eureka were infected. The photo is from the Humboldt Times newspaper on October 11, 1918. (Heather Shelton—Age Standard)

A few days passed from the first article on the first local case to another article on the Spanish flu, and most newspaper news coverage still focused on World War I news. It was.

According to the Humboldt Times, by October 15, 1918, a total of 19 Spanish influenza cases had been reported in Humboldt County. Cousins ​​had mentioned closing schools when more cases became apparent, but that didn’t happen despite the local surge. This decision is W.H. This is supported by his report by the California Health Education Board. “In schools where all suspected illness cases are immediately sent home by teachers, Kellogg does not recommend closing the school, except as a last resort, because children are safe from infection. If you’re free to drive down the street. “But he advised closing the cinema soon.

According to a small Humboldt Times article in the newspaper, the day after October 16, 1918, 12 new cases of influenza in Spain were reported in Eureka.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention ( Estimates that about one-third of the world’s population was infected with the Spanish influenza virus in 1918-19. It is estimated that at least 50 million people die worldwide, with approximately 675,000 deaths in the United States.

Heather Shelton can be contacted at 707-441-0516.

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