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Colorado orders COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5-11 prior to federal approval


Colorado launches a state campaign to vaccinate children between the ages of 5 and 11 after receiving 171,000 Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines and federal regulators approving the age group. I ordered.

The US Food and Drug Administration Advisory Board will meet on Tuesday to consider whether to recommend vaccines for infants.Federal officials are expected to approve shots for the age group, and Dr. Anthony Fauci said the shots may be available to children on Sunday. “Within the first week or two of November.”

This means Colorado will be able to get the first shipment of the COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5 to 11 as early as next week, said the Chief Medical Officer of the State Department of Public Health and Environment. One Dr. Eric France said.

“Knowing that vaccines are coming, we need to be prepared to distribute them and make people vaccinated,” he said.

According to the Ministry of Health, Colorado placed a portion of the COVID-19 vaccine order last week and plans to complete the pre-order by Tuesday.

No specific details have yet been revealed about how the state puts shots in children’s arms. France said it was “not ready to announce” who the authorities would control the shots and where the state could host a vaccination clinic.

In general, the state relies on pediatricians, pharmacies, and local public health agencies to administer vaccines. He said the clinic will also be held on November nights and weekends (a more convenient time for the family).

“We are in close discussion with the school district supervisors and local public health agencies,” France said.

The school district has the option to apply for the ability to host a vaccine clinic or to come to the campus on a state mobile bus to help manage shots.

France said the State Department of Health aims to immunize half of the 479,895 children between the ages of 5 and 11 with the coronavirus by the end of January.

The availability of COVID-19 vaccine for young children comes as the age group is experiencing More infections than in previous pandemics. This makes young children more vulnerable during their return to school this fall.

“Childhood cases are an important part of today’s pandemic,” France said. “Children infected with COVID at school can go home and give it to another family member.”

Children are unlikely to experience serious symptoms of COVID-19, but they can. A serious and rare inflammatory condition called MIS-C Or the so-called symptoms persist “Long COVID.”

Last week, the FDA released an analysis stating that the protection it provides for severe cases of COVID-19 “clearly outweighs” the risk of myocarditis, a heart-related side effect. Pfizer’s data not only showed that shots looked safe to children aged 5 to 11 years, but also It is almost 91% effective in preventing the symptoms of the disease.

School districts contacted by Denver Post, such as Jeffco Public School, Littleton Public School, and Cherry Creek School District, did not respond to the interview request or declined to comment until the vaccination plan was finalized.

A spokesman for the Douglas County School District said earlier this month that there are no plans to host a vaccination clinic at the school, but the school district “will contact you when opportunities and locations become available.”




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