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Colorado children who participated in the vaccine test encourage others to give injections

Colorado children who participated in the vaccine test encourage others to give injections


Ronettely, Colorado — Two Lone Tree children were among the 3,000 children in clinical trials nationwide. They are now encouraging other children to be vaccinated.

Children ages 5-11 can now be vaccinated with Pfizer vaccine.. The CDC issued a final approval stamp for this age group on Tuesday night. Health officials are currently encouraging parents to make appointments for their children.

Children aged 5 and 8 began trials in July and ended in August. Their courage was for a greater purpose than themselves.

“I was nervous, but not too scared,” said Sabastian Lin.

“I was nervous, but I wasn’t too scared,” said Nicholas Lin.

The Lonetree family knows that their loved one has died of COVID. They wanted to fight back in a bigger way to end the pandemic.

“I told them that what you are doing helps you, but it also helps the community, and it helps the world, and that’s a big deal,” says their mother Anna Torres. I did. “My mother lives with us and she is in her 70s, so vaccination is an important priority for us for adults and children to keep everyone safe.”

The boys experienced no symptoms after firing. The youngest said his arm hurt for a few days.

“It’s less painful than a flu shot,” Nicholas added.

It was a blind test, so they will know within a few days if they have received a placebo or genuine.

“I wish I had a 4-year-old kid and he was on trial, but he’s too young, so it’s the only loose end in our home when it comes to vaccination,” Torres explained. ..

“It’s very exciting because I can play more basketball, meet friends, and schedule more play,” Sabastian said.

Their families encourage others to consider vaccination of their children. Children receive lower concentrated doses and less than adults.

“It’s good to do for other people in the area who are not vaccinated or who are unable to develop an immune response due to immunodeficiency. We need to think about them. We all If we just think about ourselves, we can’t beat this, there’s a part of the population that we can’t really do, and that’s no choice, “Torres said.

Walgreens and CVS will be booking at specific locations starting this weekend. Colorado Springs has eight locations and Pueblo has several. The Pueblo Public Health Service provides vaccines for children on Mondays by appointment.

The following locations are vaccinated in Colorado Springs for ages 5-11. Parental consent is required for vaccination of minors.

  • Chapel Hills Mall: 1710 Briargate Blvd., Colorado Springs, 80920, Colorado. Open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 6pm. This drive-through location is on the southeast corner of the property near the AMC Theaters.Pre-registration is possible online..
  • Citadel Mall: 750 Citadel Dr., Colorado Springs, Colorado 80909. Open Monday to Saturday from 10am to 6pm. This drive-through location is on the south side of the property near JCPenney.Pre-registration is possible online..
  • El Paso County Public Health South: 6436 US Highway 85-87, Fountain, Colorado 80817. Open from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm on November 5th and from 8:00 am on November 6th to 7th. – 2 pm daily.Pre-registration is possible online..
  • El Paso County Public Health Southeast WIC Office: 2948 E. Fountain Blvd., Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80910. Open pre-registration available from 8 am to 2 pm on November 6 online..
  • Colorado Springs Children’s Hospital Colorado: 4090 Briargate Pkwy. , Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80920. Vaccine reservations are available from 5 pm to 9 pm on Fridays and from 9 am to 5 pm on Saturdays and Sundays. Pre-registration is possible. online..
  • Safe way
    • Store 1975: 6925 Mesa Ridge Pkwy. , Fountain, CO80817.Pre-registration is possible online..
    • Store 1644: 7655 McLaughlin Rd. , Falcon, CO80831.Pre-registration is possible online..
    • Store 1577: 6520 S. Academy Blvd., Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906.Pre-registration is possible online..





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