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Mandatory vaccines cause “harm and division,” public health experts claim


Public health experts warn of potential pitfalls of vaccination obligations as the final day for educators and healthcare professionals to receive their first Pfizer jab loom.

From monday The majority of health and disability and education workers must be vaccinated once and fully vaccinated by January 1, 2022.

Prison and orthodontic staff are already required to receive the first dose of the vaccine by 6 November, the second scheduled by 8 December.

Workers at border and MIQ settings already need to be fully vaccinated.

The majority of experts strongly support the obligation of vaccines as a tool to protect workers from infection and reduce infection, but one public health expert said that they were already “harm to our country”. It claims to be causing a “split”.

Grant Schofield, a professor of public health at Auckland University of Technology (AUT), said the mandate would lead to unemployment for unvaccinated people, which would put a strain on the health care system.

“Come on Monday and know real teachers, real GPs, real midwives, real physics, real people without work,” he said in a social media post yesterday.

“People often make their own rational decisions,” said Scofield, who is fully vaccinated, rather than “crazy fringe anti-boxers.”
Professor AUT of Grant Schofield Public Health. (Photo / Dean Purcell)

“We can predict that the exact thing we are trying to avoid, overwhelming the health care system, is exactly what we are trying to do by dismissing health care workers.

“This will do serious harm. It will almost certainly mean that our already overwhelming health and education system does not have the staff to carry out its normal duties.”

However, Sean Henn, a professor at the University of Auckland and a Covid-19 modeling expert, said that only a small part of the population was unvaccinated.

“We know that the majority of adults have been vaccinated at least once, if not twice, so that is a relatively small proportion of the population and, of course, not vaccinated. There are other jobs they can do if they choose to do so.

According to the latest Ministry of Health figures, 90% of New Zealand’s eligible population is vaccinated once and 80% is fully vaccinated.

Hendy acknowledged that there could be potential problems in labor supply to unvaccinated people, but said it was common for workers to be expected to comply with safety measures. rice field.

“There are different requirements for the work we impose on people. If you are doing a particular job, you may need to wear glasses or contact lenses. You are at risk. Other people.

“I don’t think this makes any difference.”

Where to get vaccinated in Auckland-no reservations

The Ministry of Health states that the health and disability, education and correction workforce is cooperating with populations that are unable to vaccinate, are at high risk of serious illness due to Covid-19, or have developed abroad.

Vaccine passports are an “important measure” to reduce infections and infections, “full protection of all of these sectors is important for the country to manage Covid-19 well.” increase.

“If infected, [being vaccinated] There is a reason to want to require vaccination for a particular job, as it is much less likely to give it to others. This is especially true if you may be in contact with someone in your underlying health or vulnerable. “Hendy said.

As the country moves to the government’s new Covid-19 “traffic light” framework, people will need to be vaccinated to enter certain “proximity” locations, including hospitality, and vaccination status will use vaccine certificates. Will be proved.

When this framework is launched, its mission is estimated to cover approximately 40 percent of New Zealand’s workforce.

Many other companies that have the discretion to request a vaccine certificate have already discussed their obligations with their employees.





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