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A woman on the island shares her story of living with type I diabetes

A woman on the island shares her story of living with type I diabetes


Laura Siriday

Manitoulin – This month celebrates the discovery of Canada, which has saved the lives of thousands of Canadians. It was last Sunday, 100 years ago, when researchers at the University of Toronto, Dr. Frederick Banting and Charles Best, discovered insulin and removed the death sentence for diabetes. November was Diabetes Awareness Month, when the Expositor caught up with Maniturin’s Laura Siriday and talked about her life after being diagnosed with type I diabetes.

“This month is a month to look back on what the real hidden epidemics are in Canada, globally and especially in the indigenous communities,” Shilliday said. “Although the number of Type II is increasing this way, there are also some ununderstood increases in the number of people diagnosed with Type I.”

Type I diabetes, formerly known as childhood diabetes or juvenile diabetes, is a misnomer for its appeal, explains Shilliday. She herself was diagnosed with type I diabetes as an adult.

She said the number of diabetics is increasing both in Canada and around the world. “Here in Canada, more than 3 million people have diabetes. That’s just over 9 percent of our total population. Unfortunately, that number is expected to grow. Canada diabetes is 500 by 2025. It is estimated that 10,000 or 12 percent of Canada’s population will have diabetes. Worldwide, the numbers are just as bad. The World Health Organization found that people over the age of 18 had a prevalence of diabetes in 1980. It is estimated to have risen from 4.7 percent to 8.5 percent in 2014. “

Diabetes is usually like an invisible illness, but if left untreated, its effects can be devastating. Amputation, kidney failure, and death can result from long-term high blood sugar (glucose) levels.

“The first thing I noticed was that I was incredibly thirsty,” Shilliday said. She explained that she was hiking with her friends at Strawberry Point. “I had a chocolate bar in my pocket, so I had to stop and rest often,” she said. “I didn’t remember being so thirsty. I was exhausted and started eating chocolate bars to boost my energy.”

Only her thirst was boosted by chocolate. It’s a small surprise to think that diabetes is essentially a deficiency of insulin in the body, which prevents the body from converting sugar into energy.

Type I diabetes usually develops in childhood, adolescence, or early adulthood, making it a nickname for juvenile diabetes. About 10% of diabetics are type I. In type I diabetes, the body produces little or no insulin. Type II diabetes is the most common form of diabetes (90%) and usually occurs in adults, but children can be affected as well. In type II diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin or cannot use it properly.

The exact cause of type I diabetes is not yet known. However, having a family with type I diabetes (parents, siblings) increases the risk slightly. “The family had no history of diabetes,” Shilliday said, so that’s not natural. Experts suggest that adults over the age of 40 should be tested for type 2 diabetes every three years. People who have one or more risk factors should be tested more often. This includes diabetic parents, siblings, or sisters. You are overweight, especially if your weight is mostly carried around your tummy. History of gestational diabetes; giving birth to a baby weighing more than 4 kg. Hypertension or hypercholesterolemia; Diagnosed as sleep apnea; and / or being a member of a high-risk group: Indigenous, African, Asian, or Hispanic.

Siriday emphasizes that it is important to contact your doctor as soon as possible if you have any of the following symptoms: Unexplained fatigue and drowsiness. Frequent urination; Increased thirst and hunger; Unexplained weight changes; Blurred vision; Frequent or recurrent infections; Aching and numbness in the hands and feet, and / or slow-healing cuts and bruise. Symptoms of diabetes tend to occur when blood sugar levels exceed the normal range. They may or may not be present when diabetes is diagnosed, and they can also occur if a person’s diabetes is not well controlled.

Diabetes is a progressive disease and there is no cure. That’s bad news. The good news is that there are significant advances in understanding diabetes and its treatments, and many of its debilitating effects can be avoided or mitigated by simple lifestyle changes.

Lifestyle changes that a person can make include education, so ask your doctor or pharmacist in your area so that you can manage your health and learn as much as possible about your condition. Ask for information about your diabetes education program. Nutrition is a major factor, and what a person eats can play an important role in helping regulate blood sugar levels.

Physical activity is very important. Regular physical activity not only helps control blood sugar levels, but also helps you lose weight and improve your overall fitness. The current recommendation is to do aerobic exercise for 150 minutes a week, plus resistance exercise twice a week. However, it is important to consult your doctor before starting an exercise program that is more intense than walking.

Finally, and not all of us know this in the era of pandemics — stress. Take steps to learn how to better manage and reduce stress levels in your daily life.

However, in general, diabetes is a progressive disease, so even if you focus on adhering to a healthy lifestyle, you cannot fully meet the bill. Therefore, the drug may work.

Type I diabetes is treated with insulin injections and a healthy lifestyle. Type 2 diabetes is controlled by physical activity and a healthy diet. If you are diagnosed with diabetes, it is important to measure your blood glucose regularly. Until recently, this was mainly achieved by pulling a little blood to test with a test strip and a little finger poke. However, Shilliday said he wasn’t a big fan of the test strip route.

She points out that the test only gives you a snapshot of what your blood sugar level is at that particular moment. “Blood sugar levels can be high or low for several hours before and after testing levels,” she said. What can cause damage is that your blood sugar levels are going over time.

Siriday receives constant updates about where her level sits through monitor patches. “Abbott’s FreeStyle Libre flash glucose monitoring system is currently being reimbursed under the Ontario Drug Benefits Program to eligible Ontario residents who are suffering from diabetes and are using insulin,” she said. Says.

“The FreeStyle Libre 2 system is available in a free app designed for use with the FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor, making it easy to track glucose information on compatible smartphones.”

After all, there are 42 factors that affect glucose and blood sugar levels, and despite 100 years since Banting and Best discovered insulin, the science behind diabetes is still an ongoing task, so doctors. Work with us to find the right path for you in dealing with diabetes.

Finally, type II diabetes is associated with lifestyle and diet, but Shilliday is determined. “It’s not someone’s fault,” she said. She states that we live in a society that encourages consumption and even overconsumption. “Colonialism has affected our system and worsened the diet of indigenous peoples.”




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