Diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes: The Story of a Female | Iadel Health System
Diabetes is a disease we often hear. In fact, you probably know a few people with diabetes. Although the term is often used and the disease is widespread, many of us do not understand exactly what diabetes really is or the symptoms associated with it.
Diabetes is a life-changing illness. Understanding diabetes and recognizing its signs and symptoms can prevent serious complications of diabetes.
When Amy Brant, corporate wellness nurse and program manager at the Iredell Wellness & Diabetes Center, was diagnosed with diabetes, she experienced these misconceptions directly from both herself and others.
Brant was a healthy and active 19-year-old college student when he was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
“Type 1 diabetes is known to be a problem of autoimmunity. When the immune system attacks the beta cells of the pancreas to make insulin. The human body has insulin to process carbohydrates for energy. You have to be, and your body can’t survive without it, “Brant said.
In November 1999, Brandt suffered a severe case of tonsillitis. Three months later, in January, she soon began to experience some unusual symptoms — increased thirst, excessive urination, and rapid weight loss.
“I was always hungry and eating constantly, but I lost £ 14 in a week. My clothes had fallen off me,” she said.
Her body wasn’t processing the calories she put into it, so she had to break down her fat stores as a way to get energy.
Not knowing what was happening, Brandt decided to look up his symptoms online. From the search results, I always got “diabetes”.
“When I said it was diabetes, I thought,’Well, that’s not right.’ In my opinion, there was a misconception that you were old or overweight to get diabetes, “she said.
After entering his symptoms several times and receiving the word “diabetes” each time he searched, Brandt decided to book a doctor’s consultation.
When Brant’s fasting blood glucose level returned to 296 mg / dL and less than 100 mg / dL was considered normal fasting levels, her doctor immediately learned that she had diabetes.
Brant’s doctor went back to her medical history to see if she had a recent viral illness, and she did. They determined that her tonsillitis three months ago caused her type 1 diabetes.
“Basically, my immune system made a mistake, so instead of attacking the virus, it attacked itself and destroyed the insulin-producing cells of my pancreas,” she said. ..
“Usually, it takes about one to three months after the virus is triggered before symptoms begin to appear,” she added. “Symptoms occur when about 90% of the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas are destroyed, and symptoms usually appear to occur overnight.”
There is a general misconception that type 1 diabetes is strictly hereditary. However, some things can cause it, such as viral illnesses like the case of Brandt’s tonsillitis, as well as traumatic events and accidents.
Brant was hospitalized for four days and was taught how to inject insulin and count carbohydrates.
“When I left the hospital, I knew only about 20% of how to control my blood sugar and stay healthy with this new diagnosis,” Brandt said. “That’s another big reason to encourage patients to be referred to educators later.”
After being discharged from the hospital after her diagnosis, Brandt felt confused and frightened.
“I didn’t know you were young, healthy and diabetic. Many people said,” What? You’re not old enough for diabetes, “” but you’re not overweight, “she said. Told.
Brant had to be more aware of almost every action, from what she was eating to the time she was eating.
Insulin injections can only control blood sugar levels for a specific period of time, so Brandt had to inject several times a day. Initially, she felt that she needed to spend her entire life focusing on diabetes.
“The first year was very frustrating because I couldn’t understand the routine. Everyone said it would be easier, but I didn’t believe it for a really long time. But in the end it’s easier. “She said.
Brant gave himself an insulin injection for eight years and then in 2008 decided to get an insulin pump. This gives you more freedom in calculating your insulin dose throughout the day. She also uses the Dexcom Continuous Blood Glucose Monitor (CGM) to help her keep track of her blood glucose trends more consistently.
“It took me six months to a year from diagnosis to really understand how to manage diabetes, but it’s hard to manage numbers and there’s no doubt that frustration will begin,” she said. ..
Brant originally graduated from college and was involved in the production of country music radio and television. She returned to school in 2010 to become a nurse. Brant began his career as a nurse in critical care and eventually became a diabetes educator, dedicated to empowering others who are trying to lead a life with diabetes.
Diabetes awareness
“As a diabetes educator, I want people to know what diabetes is and the symptoms associated with it,” Brandt said.
Early recognition of symptoms is essential for treatment of type 1 diabetes. Unfortunately, Type 1 can be overlooked a little more often, especially for children.
“In the last decade, we can think of three or four cases where infants under the age of six go to the doctor and complain of abdominal pain and general malaise. When children are so young, they often say,” They have a bug. There is no big deal, “but these children are dead and it is preventable. “
“When one finger stuck in the clinic, they would have known that their blood sugar levels were out of control,” she said.
If not properly diagnosed, Type 1 can be a very quiet and swift murderer.
As the Diabetes Awareness Month nears its end, Brandt hopes that people will notice three things:
- “We want people to understand what diabetes is and how different types of diabetes are. Diagnosis is always about eating sugar and living a sedentary lifestyle. It’s not about doing. “
- “People with diabetes are strong, resilient and have to make multiple decisions each day. According to a Stanford University study, people with diabetes have to make 180 more decisions every day in relation to their health. Must be. “
- “There are resources available to diabetics to lead the best and healthiest possible life. The Iadel Wellness and Diabetes Center can help.”
If you have recently been diagnosed with diabetes, know that you are not alone. It’s never been so difficult. Meeting with a diabetes educator will provide you with the resources you need to manage your diabetes.
“I want to remind patients that we are all stronger than we think. And sometimes we don’t know that strength until we are forced to find it. And if you haven’t been forced yet, this is your time. You will find that strength, “she said.
Talk to your doctor about referrals to make an appointment with Amy Brandt at the Iadel Wellness and Diabetes Center.You can also call the Diabetes Center directly 704-878-4556 Ask your provider to contact you.
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