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Cataract surgery is associated with a lower risk of dementia, according to a new study


New studies suggest that cataract surgery may be associated with a significantly lower risk of developing dementia in the elderly.

Cataracts cloud the crystalline lens of the eye, causing blurred vision and lightening of color. Most develop slowly over time, affecting people in later years. Surgery to treat the condition involves removing the eye lens and replacing it with a transparent artificial lens. This is a relatively simple and general procedure.

Researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle analyzed data collected as part of a long-standing observational study involving more than 5,000 participants over the age of 65 designed to observe the development of dementia. ..

This study included data from more than 3,000 dementia-free participants with cataracts or glaucoma. Researchers followed up participants every two years to record when symptoms of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease appeared. Of the 3,038 participants, 853 developed dementia, of which 709 had Alzheimer’s disease.

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After analyzing the data, researchers found that participants who had cataract surgery had an almost 30% lower risk of developing dementia than those who did not. The study also found that the reduced risk lasted for at least 10 years after surgery and was particularly associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

“This is really exciting, because other medical interventions have not shown such a strong link to reducing the risk of dementia in the elderly,” said Cecilia S. Lee, an ophthalmologist and lead author of the study. teeth Said in a statement..

Although this study did not directly link cataract surgery to a reduced risk of dementia, researchers found that lower risk may be associated with higher quality sensory input from the eye to the brain after cataract surgery. It is assumed that there is sex.

Lee said those who got rid of cataracts also got more blue light.

“Some special cells in the retina are cognitively involved and regulate the sleep cycle. These cells respond well to blue light,” Lee said. “Cataracts specifically block blue light, and cataract surgery can reactivate those cells.”

The study was published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine..

More than 6 million Americans live with Alzheimer’s disease, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that by 2060, that number will grow to 14 million.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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