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I’m approaching the “milestone” birthday. What kind of health check should I have at my age?

I’m approaching the “milestone” birthday. What kind of health check should I have at my age?


You are not alone. Most people wait to see a general practitioner until they get sick. As a result, we usually don’t have much time to discuss preventive health.

So should you book a check at your GP just to talk about what you can do to stay healthy? If so, what should you discuss?

It depends on your life stage.

The doctor will not check you everything

It may surprise you that there is no evidence that a “general health check” will give you better health results.

Some low-risk and other healthy patients’ preventive tests, such as blood tests and imaging tests such as whole-body CT and MRI, may not work. cancer Sifting.

Besides being a waste of time and money, there are other concerns about generic health checks. It can lead to overdiagnosis and can lead to additional tests, appointments, anxiety, medications and even surgery. Ironically, this can be detrimental to your health.

This is guided by what the doctor personally benefits from, and which tests have evidence of a benefit that outweighs the harm, based on the individual’s medical history, rather than “checking everything”. The reason is.

Health checkup, health checkup, when to get a health checkup, different health checkups for each age group, age-specific health checkups, preventive health checkups, health and wellness, India Express News Do a preventive health check from time to time. (Photo: Getty / utilizing)

One of the important considerations for doctors is age.

Young adult (20-30s)

The main evidence-based screening test for young adults is the female cervical screening test. This is a cervical swab every 5 years looking for human papillomavirus (HPV) and precancerous cells.

When young women participate in the cervical smear test, there are often some other important preventative discussions, such as pregnancy prevention and planning.

Young men do not need equivalent screening tests and often miss the opportunity to talk about prevention.

Both men and women in this age group need to find a GP that they can rest assured to discuss STI (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) checks, skin cancer, mental health struggles, and intimate violence.

Other than that, even healthy, healthy young adults should consider discussing what they can do to prevent chronic illness with their GP. Healthy behaviors such as diet, sleep, smoking, and exercise levels in young adults increase or decrease the risk of developing symptoms such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

Finally, regular checks by your dentist or optometrist can help you detect problems early.

40-50 years old

Despite the maxim that “life begins at age 40,” this is the age that many of the things that can cause premature death are worth screening.

Current evidence shows benefits in assessing the risk of blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, and skin cancer.

If the risk of certain cancers (such as breast cancer or colorectal cancer) is high, these screenings may also be started around this age.

Also, it’s never too late to change your lifestyle and improve longevity, so it’s all important to discuss things like losing weight, quitting smoking, and improving exercise.

Health checkup, health checkup, when to get a health checkup, different health checkups for each age group, age-specific health checkups, preventive health checkups, health and wellness, India Express News Although a general “health check” is not recommended each year, conversations with your GP can help you resolve certain health risks. (Photo: Getty / utilizing)

Like young adults, women should continue to take the cervical smear test every five years.

And everyone should consider being examined by a dentist and an optometrist.

Mental health can also deteriorate around this age, as the burden of caring for children, older parents, and tough careers can come to mind. Opinions from psychologists may be helpful.

50-65 years old

Patients often comment on the 50th “birthday gift” they find in their email. A stool sample collection kit for colorectal cancer screening. It’s not a highlight in your 50s, but it’s effective in saving lives through early detection of this cancer, and it’s a good idea to check it every two years.

Women are also invited to start a breast cancer screening mammogram every two years (unless they have already started in their 40s, depending on their individual risk).

The third health problem that begins screening in the 50s is osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become brittle and the risk of fractures increases. Osteoporosis is painless and is often not detected until it is too late. With such an online calculator from the Garvan Institute, you can start checking the risks against this at home.

Even in this age group, oral health and eye checks are still important.

65 years of age or older

Some immunity is recommended as it begins to weaken from age 65, such as shingles and the flu, and increases the risk of serious illness.

Health checkup, health checkup, when to get a health checkup, different health checkups for each age group, age-specific health checkups, preventive health checkups, health and wellness, India Express News Dental health is also classified as preventive medicine. (Photo: Getty / utilizing)

Other preventative checks include vision, dental health, hearing, and risk of falls. These often involve relevant healthcare providers who can screen, monitor, and treat you as needed.

Some of the other regular screenings stop in the mid-1970s, including colorectal cancer, cervical cancer, and breast cancer.

Indigenous people

The above age-related recommendations are intended for people with standard risk factors. Indigenous Australians are at increased risk of developing a variety of illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, and certain cancers.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders people may be offered more thorough screening according to different timelines, with some checks being done at an earlier age.

Although a general “health check” is not recommended each year, conversations with your GP can help you resolve specific health risks and screening needs.

Prevention is better than treatment, so make sure you have access to evidence-based screening and prevention strategies that are right for you.

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