Omicron: What we know now
Ready to pivot again? Omicron arrived at the scene just as he became accustomed to the precautions and workarounds needed in a partially vaccinated world.Super transmission version COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) Due to both unvaccinated and vaccinated infections, it seems to be spread nationwide at a much higher rate than previous variants, with questions about traveling, gathering, or heading to the office at the table. I’m back.
On November 24, South Africa reported the first newly identified Omicron variant (B.1.1.529 strain), just two days later. On November 26, the World Health Organization (WHO) named it a “variant of concern.”
The first case of Omicron was reported in the United States on December 1, and in less than three weeks, Omicron was taken over as the major subspecies, accounting for 73% of all cases in the country. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).. The CDC has revised these numbers and reduced their estimates to 23%.
Omicron has mutations that can be more contagious than previous versions of the virus
When a virus infects a new host (animal or human), it makes a copy of the virus itself with small genetic differences called mutations. “As more people get infected, the range of mutations expands, but most of them go nowhere and affect nothing,” he says. Gabe Kelen, MD, Director of Emergency Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Baltimore.
For example, if a mutation occurs in a segment of the virus, making the virus more infectious or capable of replicating in the host, from Darwin’s point of view, the variant will begin to dominate, as it will dominate the world. increase. Dr. Keren says he can overcome other versions of the virus.
According to Omicron’s analysis, at four major sites within the virus, this variant has significantly more mutations than the delta variant. University of Florida Health Study.. One of the sites has more than three times the mutation in the delta, which may explain the increased transmission rate.
1. How contagious is Omicron?
Omicron is highly contagious.Health professionals such as David Reich and MD at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City On twitter — Variants measles.. That’s not a good thing. Measles is highly contagious and spreads in the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Due to its high contagious nature, if one person has measles, if unprotected, nine out of ten people around him will be infected. According to the CDC..
This variant is “exponentially increasing” in several countries, including the United States. According to the CDC.. According to the agency, this is probably due to a double worm. Omicron is more infectious than previous versions of the virus and appears to be easier to evade immunity through past infections and vaccinations than previous variants.
2. What are the symptoms of Omicron?
Experts say they still know if the symptoms of the new variant are different from those of the previous variant. Panagis Galiatsatos, MD, Associate Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medicine and Lung and Emergency Physician. “It has many of the same symptoms as the previous variants, but over time,” he says.
Data collected in South Africa Discovery health, The largest private health insurance manager in the country, sore throat Stuffy nose, dry coughLoose stool and muscle aches, especially low Back pain..
3. Does Omicron cause a less serious course of COVID-19?
Much of the early information about Omicron comes from South Africa, where the variant was first identified.Health authorities there Preliminary data reported on December 17th Only 1.7% of the identified COVID-19 cases were admitted to the hospital in the second week of variant hijacking, compared to 19% of the same week of delta waves.
Data from different parts of the world show that the risk of serious illness caused by Omicron may be lower than the risk of Delta.Ann Early analysis from Imperial College London We found that people infected with the variant were 40% less likely to be hospitalized overnight or longer than Delta. In addition, they also estimated that people infected with the Omicron variant were 15% less likely to go to the hospital than those infected with the Delta variant, but this data was limited. ..
“I’m worried that reports that Omicron is unlikely to cause serious illness may give people a false sense of security,” says Dr. Galliazzatos. The variant may not be so severe, but if it makes more people sick, we can still see the same number of people go to the hospital, which is our healthcare system. It can put a strain on you, he says.
The first findings from a joint study by South African and Russian scientists found that, as with previous variants, the course of the disease is more severe in unvaccinated people with risk factors, especially the elderly. did. South African Ministry of Health Statement..
It is not yet known if Omicron will have the same impact on the United States and other countries, says Galiatsatos. It depends on factors such as the number of people already infected with COVID-19, the proportion of vaccinated people, and the extent of established risk factors for severe COVID-19 in the population. ..
For example, in countries such as the United Kingdom and South Africa, the majority of the population is already infected with COVID-19. According to the authors of an analysis at Imperial College London, half of the UK’s population may have been infected before the Omicron wave, and it is estimated that infection-induced immunity reduces hospitalization rates there.
The median age of South Africa is 27, According to the World Population Review, While in the United States, it was over 10 years ago — 38 years old, For Knoema.. The difference may be a factor in whether the mutation causes more serious cases of COVID-19. This is because older people are at increased risk of a more severe course of illness.
4. Does COVID-19 vaccination provide protection from Omicron? How about a booster?
Looking at the data, the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) appear to be obsessed with protecting people from hospitalization with COVID-19 and the development of serious illness. Mohammad Sobani, MD, Infectious disease doctor at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus.
The level of antibody protection sufficient to protect against Omicron, or the length of time that protection may last, has not yet been determined. “The data suggest that boosted people receive more protection from the development of COVID-19 from the Omicron mutant,” says Dr. Sobhanie.
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky, MDEchoed that boosters provide protection, NBC December 14th Interview today show.. “There are cases of Omicron in people who are both vaccinated and boosted. We believe these cases are mild or asymptomatic for vaccine protection. We know. What we have is that we have tools to protect ourselves from COVID-19. Vaccines. We have boosters, “Dr. Warensky said.
The first discoveries from both vaccine manufacturers also provided the peace of mind that boosters provide protection from mutants. Moderna announced on December 20th The booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine appeared to be protective against Omicron in laboratory tests.
According to their study, the two-dose course of the vaccine produced low-neutralizing antibodies to the Omicron variant, while a booster dose of 50 micrograms increased the neutralizing antibody to the variant by 37-fold.
Preliminary laboratory studies have shown that the two-dose series of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine “may not be sufficient to protect against infection by the Omicron variant.”
According to the company, the third dose of BNT162b2 increases the neutralizing antibody titer by a factor of 25 compared to the second dose to the Omicron mutant.
5. What about kids and Omicron?
There is not enough data to know if a child is more or less at risk for Omicron compared to an adult, According to Orange County Children’s Health (CHOC)..South Africa data National Institute of Infectious Diseases In Tshwane, South Africa, children under the age of 2 account for 10% of hospitalizations. This is considered the epicenter of Omicron and is similar to what was seen when the delta mutation was the predominant mutation.
Vaccine boosters were only available to teens over the age of 16 and adolescents over the age of 12 with certain conditions, or adolescents receiving certain health treatments that could impair the immune system. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics.. However, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is currently granting an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for a booster dose of the Pfizer vaccine for children aged 12 to 15 years.
6. Does the COVID-19 test at home detect Omicron?
For many of us, home testing has become an important factor in keeping meetings safe, but there are concerns that some rapid tests will not be able to detect Omicron. Anthony Fauci, MD, Director, National Institute of Infectious Diseases.
“We have some, but not all, preliminary information. [rapid] Diagnostic tests are accurate at Omicron, “says Dr. Fauci. December 16 Meeting with the Chamber of Commerce Foundation.. The government is working to screen which tests are still accurate against Omicron, he added.
Michael Mina, a former Harvard TH Chan Public Health School and now Chief Scientific Officer at eMed, a biotechnology software company, says Omicron can be detected with the fastest home tests. ..
Abbott, the manufacturer of Binax NOW, one of the most popular and rapid home tests, claims that both its antigenic and PCR tests can detect omicrons. “Although the Omicron variant contains mutations to the spike protein, Abbott’s rapid and molecular tests (antigen and PCR) do not rely on the spike gene to detect the virus,” he said. Company statement..
7. Do I still need to wear a mask and practice social distance?
No doubt, Sobhanie says. “We know that there are high levels of COVID-19 nationwide, and wearing a mask and socially distant is a good strategy to reduce the chance of getting infected with COVID-19. “I will.”
In situations where you meet with your family or friends who do not live with your family, it is best protection to ensure that everyone is fully vaccinated and tested, says Sobhanie. “There are very useful home test kits. The risk is never zero, but if you are around someone else who is fully vaccinated and boosted and fully vaccinated and boosted. The chances of getting COVID-19 are much less than those who are not vaccinated, “he says.
The Recommended by CDC Both vaccinated and unvaccinated persons over the age of 2 should wear masks in a public indoor environment with a high COVID-19 infection rate. Don’t know where you live?Please check CDCCOVID-19 County Check Check the transmission level and masking guidance in your area.
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