Quebec Public Health Director calls for caution as cases of COVID-19 increase
Montreal-Quebec’s Interim Public Health Director said he would not recommend the new COVID-19 limit as indicators rise, but warned the population on Sunday and cautioned against a surge in cases. It was shown to.
At a press conference, Dr. Luc Boileau expected an increase due to the removal of most COVID-19 restrictions about two weeks ago, but experts seem to indicate a surge in proliferation. We are carefully monitoring the indicators.
Boileau noted that along with the increase in the number and positive rates of analyzed PCR tests limited to specific high-risk groups, health officials have also noted a surge in hospitalization in some areas outside Montreal. Said.
Authorities are also concerned that the number of medical network staff on the sidelines within a week has increased by 60% due to COVID-19, and currently about 8,600 workers are absent from work. By comparison, Boileau said 16,000 to 20,000 health care workers were absent between the December and January Omicron waves.
“We are not officially on the sixth wave,” Boileau told reporters, adding that it would take a few more days to be certain.
This increase was even more pronounced with the more contagious BA.2 subvariants in the state. This accounts for two-thirds of positive cases, up from 57% a week ago.
According to Boarrow, experts reported to the Ministry of Health in January that the expected increase in the current number of cases due to high vaccination rates and the reach of the Omicron wave that hit an estimated 3 million Quebecs earlier this year. He said it could reach about half of what was done.
Mr. Boarrow said he was confident that the Quebecs could adjust accordingly as the incident progressed, without taking more stringent measures. Quebec has promised that the only remaining measure, the mask requirement, will be lifted by mid-April for public spaces and by May for public transport, which Boarrow said was planned. Said there is.
“In the case of influenza and coronavirus, it is normal for these types of infections to have waves,” Boileau said. “If you have to constantly move forward with population control, as it was taken in a completely different context, it’s unacceptable, so let’s live with it now.”
But it’s clear that the case is widespread, Boileau said. Quebec reported 1,088 hospitalizations on Sunday, with 56 people listed in the intensive care unit.
Since the end of last week, at least three Quebec government officials have been abstained for COVID-19, including Prime Minister Francois Legault, who announced a positive reaction last Thursday.
On Sunday, Transport Minister François Bonnardel announced that he was also positive, and Deputy Prime Minister Geneva Gilbeau said he would work remotely after one of the children was positive. She was negative on the test.
The message that Boylow delivered on Sunday was that residents should act responsibly during meetings and social activities, perform rapid diagnostics if symptoms occur, and stay home if they become ill.
Boileau reminded people that a positive test would result in a minimum of 5 days of quarantine, but people would continue to be infected for 10 days.
He said people at high risk of developing complications after infection should be more careful, whether due to age or immunosuppression.
“We are appealing to the Quebec citizenship,” Boarrow said.
This report by Canadian Press was first published on March 27, 2022.
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