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What We Know About Outbreaks of Bird FluExBulletin

What We Know About Outbreaks of Bird FluExBulletin


Since the outbreak of bird flu began, egg prices have skyrocketed and millions of birds have been slaughtered.

Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

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Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

Since the outbreak of bird flu began, egg prices have skyrocketed and millions of birds have been slaughtered.

Justin Sullivan / Getty Images

The highly pathogenic avian influenza virus has passed through US farms and poultry houses and has spread to at least 24 states within two months of the first reported outbreak in a commercial herd.

About 23 million birds have died. This is the worst outbreak of bird flu in the United States since 2015, when more than 50 million birds died. This outbreak, as well as many costs, is pushing up consumer prices for eggs and chicken, which had already risen due to inflation.

Here’s what you need to know about the outbreak:

22,851,072 Birds have been wiped out

Some birds have died from the disease itself, but the majority have been killed to stop the spread of the deadly and highly infectious virus. This includes millions of chickens and turkeys in barns and backyards that were raised to provide eggs and meat.

One of the hardest-hit states was Iowa, where more than 5 million birds died on March 31 at the Oceana spawning facility. USDA.. Overall, more than 13 million birds have been killed in the state.

As of noon on Tuesday, 72 commercial herds and 46 backyard herds were reported to be infected nationwide.

According to the CDC, bird flu has a low risk to humans.

Humans are rarely infected with the bird virus. No human infections of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), including the H5N1 avian influenza virus, have been reported in the United States. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention..

The virus also poses no particular risk to the country’s food supply. the CDC says As with any poultry or egg, proper handling of food and heating to an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit will kill all existing bacteria and viruses, including the HPAI virus.

So far, there have been only four human infections with the low-pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) virus in the United States. The CDC states that these cases are only mild or moderate illnesses.

The virus was first reported in wild birds

The first US warning of a new outbreak occurred on January 13, when USDA announced the discovery of a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus strain in wild birds for the first time since 2016. The first case of them I was among the birds killed by hunters in South Carolina and North Carolina.

The case then spread north as wild birds moved and spread the virus to the farm. Occurred on February 9th Confirmed In a flock of commercial turkeys in Dubois County, Indiana.

Ben Slinger, whose family raises turkeys for meat processors, recently Iowa Public Radio After having to kill tens of thousands of birds in 2015, he is taking precautions to protect the flock from infection. In addition to using disinfectants, workers wear separate boots for each barn.

“We know what the aftermath looks like, and it’s pretty disappointing,” Slinger said.

Known cases now range from Maine to Texas, where the virus was found. A flock of commercial pheasants In Erath County on Sunday.

After the recent discovery of bird flu in a commercial egg business near Palmyra, Wisconsin, the land is ready to dispose of about 3 million chickens.

Scott Olson / Getty Images

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Scott Olson / Getty Images

After the recent discovery of bird flu in a commercial egg business near Palmyra, Wisconsin, the land is ready to dispose of about 3 million chickens.

Scott Olson / Getty Images

Chicken grocery prices are rising

The average price of US chicken breasts this week has risen to $ 3.93 per pound in major supermarkets. That’s a lot higher than last week’s $ 3.14. The price a year ago was $ 2.48. Agriculture Department says..

Egg price According to USDA, it has risen compared to 2021 and breast bids are $ 1 higher than they were a year ago.

With a few exceptions, “the price of white parts is rising,” the agency said. “The cost of dark meat items is also rising. Bulk pack drumsticks, thighs and quarters of the legs make up the bulk of the spotlight.”

The last outbreak lasted about 6 months

The outbreak of bird flu, which peaked at the end of spring 2015, was “the biggest poultry health hazard in US history.” USDA says..

Many of these infections were reported in Iowa and neighboring states near “the intersection of the central and Mississippi flyways used by wild birds during seasonal migration,” officials said. This is the same area that is currently being attacked by the virus.

In the 2015 outbreak, vector organisms (objects that could infect the disease) were considered the primary source of viral infection. Such items include boots and clothing for employees of the poultry industry and vehicles used to spread feed. Authorities also pointed out that some production facilities are densely populated as the cause of the case cluster.

Outbreaks fell sharply in 2015, ending in June of that year, but still killed 3 million birds in the final month. According to USDA, poultry prices peaked and then normalized in the coming months due to the prolonged impact on the supply chain.




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