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What is an XE variant?Experts on General Symptoms, Severity, and Possibility of New Wave | Health

What is an XE variant?Experts on General Symptoms, Severity, and Possibility of New Wave | Health


As XE variant of coronavirus On the surface of Maharashtra and Gujarat, new fears of new waves of infection are worrisome. XE is the two most popular combination Omicron Variants-BA1 and BA2. This makes it even more infectious than Omicron. This means that the variant spreads faster than the previous Omicron strain and infects more people than before, but experts say XE has been mild since it was discovered in the UK earlier this year. Says it looks like. However, experts warn guards not to disappoint and advise Covid to continue to act appropriately. (Read again: A 67-year-old man tested + ve for the XE variant and recovered completely: Gujarat officials).

What is an XE variant?

“The XE variant of coronavirus was first detected in the United Kingdom in mid-January and has been confirmed in more than 600 cases since then. Very limited cases have been reported in China and Thailand.” Dr. Chetan Rao Vaddepally, a pulmonologist, said. Yashoda Hospital, Hyderabad.

vehicle Subspecies are known to be 10% more contagious and have a high benefit of community infection of 1.1 compared to the original virus.

“The XE mutant is a recombinant variant of the SARSCO V2 virus, which means that two variants (BA.1 and BA.2) are recombinant and the mutation presents this variant. Known to be 10%, more contagious and have a higher community transmission It has a 1.1 advantage over the original virus, “said Dr. Charu Dutt Arora, MD, Physician and Infectious Disease Specialist Consultant, Head of Ameri Health at Faridabad’s Asian Hospital.

Why the virus rebounds and why it led to the birth of the XE variant

“Coronaviruses have RNA as their genetic content, which inherently gives them more flexibility and makes it easier to create new strains and variants. Conversely, humans and all other organisms Pavithra Venkatagopalan is the director of the Covid Task Force, Awareness of the Next Generation Rotary Club of Madras.

“Coronavirus recombination is a promising event, but we cannot really predict what kind of recombination will occur or what it means in terms of transmission or disease severity. “Dr. Venkatagopalan adds.

What is the severity of the disease in the XE variant?

“The severity of the disease in XE seems to be mild. Care must be taken before claiming that this is happening. Many people have been vaccinated multiple times compared to previous waves. That also needs to be taken into account. ” Dr. Benkatago Paran.

“So far, there is little evidence that the disease caused by the XE mutant is more severe and there is no increase in hospitalization or mortality. Further research and observations to prove the same. I need it. ” Dr. Lao.

Symptoms of XE variant

“So far, the symptoms reported with this variant remain Omicron’s symptoms, including fatigue, drowsiness, fever, headache, body aches, palpitation, and heart problems,” said Amelie’s doctor and infection. Dr. Charu Dutt Arora, a symptom specialist consultant, said. Health, Asian Hospital, Faridabad.

“So far, there is no evidence that the symptoms of the XE mutant differ from those of existing mutants,” says Dr. Rao.

Can XE variants cause new waves?

“It is unpredictable whether XE will cause new waves or newer, different mutants will cause waves. During the life of this pandemic, multiple mutants were identified, most of which disappeared quickly.” Says Dr. Benkatago Paran.

“This variant has been found in the UK since January 2022, but there are fewer severe cases worldwide. This means less concern. Therefore, to the previous Omicron subspecies. Infected people have sufficient circulating antibodies to protect them. Defensive mechanisms, “says Dr. Charu Dutta Arora.

“In India, the first case of the XE variant was found in Mumbai (according to Municipal Corporation). However, the positive rate is not on the rise. Therefore, the possibility of waves with this variant is doubtful. But vaccination Is still the best defense. You need to be vaccinated at the second / prophylactic dose, “adds Dr. Arora.

“From the January identification, few cases of more than 600 cases were detected. This indicates that waves may not be seen due to this variant, especially with the coronavirus. When it does occur, there is always a risk that more recombinant variants will emerge, “says Dr. Rao.

Effects of XE variants on children

“As of today, those who are not fully vaccinated are children. COVID is generally mild in children and this variant is not different. Because schools are closed in the summer. School infections can occur and are reduced, “adds Dr. Venkatagopalan.

“Especially children can be at risk for this variant. Still vaccines as the obligation to mask in public places has been lifted by most state governments and all schools and offices have been suddenly opened. A group of unvaccinated children remains vulnerable to COVID-19 infection, “adds Dr. Arora.

“We don’t yet have data on the effects of XE mutants on children. Aggressive vaccination of populations, including children, may help mitigate the crisis,” says Dr. Lao.

XE variant: future path

“Because the virus has evolved and circulated around the world, masking, physical distance, and fingers, as well as on-time immunization, for all high-risk populations, including the elderly, children, and patients with other illnesses. Hygiene needs to be maintained, “Dr. Arora says.




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