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51% of COVID-19 contractors in Kansas recovered


It’s a sequel.
The Kansas City metro has emerged from home orders and local leaders have begun to resume operations after weeks of closure with the coronavirus. What you need to know: On Monday, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment said there were 10,650 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the state, with 236 deaths since the outbreak began. Kansas is currently updating COVID-19 data only on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Monday’s 819 deaths from the Missouri Ministry of Health were attributed to COVID-19 in the state, with 14,734 confirmed cases since the outbreak began. TUESDAY9 am-Kansas does not officially list the number of people who have recovered from COVID-19, but local health departments across the state are tracking it. 5,515 people recovered from the coronavirus, according to numbers since Tuesday morning. The state reported 10,650 confirmed cases on Monday, which means 51% of those who contracted COVID-19 are now listed as having recovered. Leavenworth County reported 1,057 restorations and Kansas State University Tuesday in fall 2020 after the campus was closed due to the outbreak of Johnson County 583, Wyandot County 500, Douglas County 67.8:45 am-COVID-19. The semester announced that the face-to-face class will be resumed. K-State said the last day of instruction on the face-to-face campus would be November 20, just before the student Thanksgiving break. After the break, the last two weeks of the semester, including the final exam, are completed using the distance method. Read more 8 a.m.-Wyandot County has reported 1,512 confirmed cases of COVID-19 since its outbreak in 17 currently hospitalized patients. The county said it was estimated that 75 people had died of the coronavirus and 500 recovered since the outbreak began. The 66102 zip code is the most affected area of ​​the county, followed by 408 cases, followed by 66104 zip code at 267 and 66109 at 186.7 am. The county said it had an estimated recovery rate of 583. It also tested 24,594 people and achieved an overall positive test rate of 3.9% with 23,635 negative tests. The county said it tested 40.8 people per 1,000 in the county. Johnson County said it continued to monitor nine outbreaks in long-term care facilities. The Springfield Green County Health Department said Monday that no one was tested positive for coronavirus after the incubation period of people who had been exposed to the coronavirus had expired at a salon in the Great Clips, Springfield, Missouri. .. Read more 2:45 p.m.-The Missouri Superior Health Department reported 181 new cases of COVID-19 on Monday, reaching 14,734 statewide since the outbreak began. COVID-19 killed 819 people across Missouri, an increase of 10 from Saturday. Read more 2:30 pm The Kansas Department of Health and Environment reported an increase in 257 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the first update since Friday. A KDHE official said on Monday that the total death toll rose by 14 to 236. Read more 11:15 a.m.-The Johnson County Department of Health and Environment states that anyone 18 years or older living or working in Johnson County, Kansas, can take the free COVID-19 test on Friday. JCDHE said the test will take place from 9am to 1pm or until the supplies are exhausted at the College Boulevard Activity Center at 11031 S. Valley Road in Olathe. Read more 10:30 a.m.-Kansas does not officially list the number of people who have recovered from COVID-19, but the state-wide local health department is tracking it. According to numbers since Monday morning, 5,315 people recovered from the coronavirus. The state reported 10,393 confirmed cases on Friday. Leavenworth County reported 1,049 recovery, and Johnson County 574 and Wyandot County 500.9:30 am-State documents indicate that the Lansing Correction Facility is the largest single source of 10,393 coronavirus cases in Kansas. Next is the meat packing factory of Tyson Foods near Garden City. Kansas City Star obtained the Kansas Public Health Report on Outbreaks from Brown Institute for Media Innovation at Columbia University, which collects government documents related to coronaviruses from across the country. The confidential report lists details of all outbreaks in the state as of May 19. Lansing Prison is associated with at least 846 cases of the virus and 6 deaths as of May 19. -Wyandot County has reported 1,496 confirmed cases of COVID-19 since the outbreak began in 17 patients currently hospitalized. The county said it was estimated that 75 people had died of the coronavirus and 500 recovered since the outbreak began. 66102 ZIP Code is the most affected area of ​​the county, followed by 403 cases, followed by 66104 ZIP Code 66104 ZIP Code is 185.7:45 am-Sporting Kansas City officials said the team is full-scale. Have been given permission to resume on-team practice from today. Team officials said the club has put together a plan reviewed by Major League Soccer. MLS gave the plan a green light. Read more 7:30am-Douglas County will move to Phase 3 of the resumption plan on Monday. The meeting must be 45 people or less. All businesses and facilities, including swimming pools, can be reopened if the visitor can maintain a safe social distance. The county said it has an estimated recovery of 574. The overall positive rate was 3.9%, with 24,183 tested for 23,237 negative tests. The county said it tested 40.1 people per 1,000 in the county. Johnson County said it continued to monitor nine outbreaks in long-term care facilities. 6:30 am-An update from both Kansas and Missouri is expected on Monday regarding the overall coronavirus case. On Friday, Kansas killed 232 people and reported more than 10,000 cases. Missouri reports that the state killed 809 people in more than 14,000 cases. -Wyandotte County today moves to Phase 3 of the Governor of Laura Kerry’s Resume Guide. In Phase 3, 45 or fewer gatherings are allowed. We will be reopening not only all businesses, but also activity centers and event spaces. You can also restart the swimming pool. 2:15 pm on Sunday. -In the Kansas City region, there was a small spike in the number of cases on Sunday, with the case in Kansas City, MO increasing from Saturday with 26 new cases. The Missouri Department of Health said the entire state added 111 newly confirmed cases of coronavirus on Sunday.[ CLICK HERE FOR MAPS OF COVID-19 CASES BY COUNTY IN KANSAS & MISSOURI ][ TRACKING COVID-19 CURVE OF CASES, DEATHS IN KANSAS & MISSOURI ]Saturday 2:15 p.m.-The Missouri Department of Health Services reported 189 new cases of COVID-19 on Saturday, reaching 14,442 cases across the state since the outbreak began. There are 809 deaths from COVID-19 across Missouri, an increase of 10 since Friday. Read More Associated Press contributed to this article.
It’s a sequel.

The Kansas City metro has emerged from home orders and local leaders have begun to resume operations after weeks of closure with the coronavirus.

What you need to know:

  • The Kansas Department of Health and Environment said on Monday that there were 10,650 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the state, with 236 deaths since the outbreak began. Kansas is currently updating COVID-19 data only on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
  • The Missouri Department of Health’s 819 deaths were attributed to COVID-19 in the state, with 14,734 confirmed deaths since the outbreak began.

9 am -Kansas does not officially list the number of people who have recovered from COVID-19, but is tracked by local health departments across the state.

5,515 people recovered from the coronavirus, according to numbers since Tuesday morning. The state reported 10,650 confirmed cases on Monday, which means 51% of those who contracted COVID-19 are now listed as having recovered.

Leavenworth County reported 1,057 recalls, Johnson County 583, Wyandotte County 500, and Douglas County 67.

8:45 a.m. -Kansas State University Tuesday after campus closed due to COVID-19 outbreak Restart face-to-face class Fall 2020 semester.

K-State said the last day of instruction on the face-to-face campus would be November 20, just before the student Thanksgiving break. After the break, the last two weeks of the semester, including the final exam, are completed using the distance method. read more

8 am -Wyandot County has reported 1,512 confirmed cases of COVID-19 since the outbreak began in 17 patients currently hospitalized. The county said it was estimated that 75 people had died of the coronavirus and 500 recovered since the outbreak began. The 66102 ZIP code is the most affected area of ​​the county, with 408 cases, followed by 66104 ZIP code 267 followed by 6666 ZIP code 186.

7:00 am. -Johnson County reported 959 positive cases of COVID-19 Tuesday morning after the outbreak began. The county said it had an estimated recovery rate of 583. It also tested 24,594 people and achieved an overall positive test rate of 3.9% with 23,635 negative tests. The county said it tested 40.8 people per 1,000 in the county. Johnson County said it continued to monitor nine outbreaks in long-term care facilities.

3 pm -Springfield Green County Health Department said Monday The incubation period has passed People who may have been exposed to coronavirus at the Great Clips Salon in Springfield, Missouri No one was positive for coronavirus.. read more

2:45 p.m. -Missouri Health Department and Senior Services Reported 181 new cases of COVID-19 Since the outbreak began on Monday, there have been a total of 14,734 people across the state. COVID-19 killed 819 people across Missouri, an increase of 10 from Saturday. read more

2:30 pm -Kansas Department of Health and Environment Reported an increase in 257 confirmed cases COVID-19 occurred in the first update after Friday, bringing the total statewide to 10,650 since the outbreak began. A KDHE official said on Monday that the total death toll rose by 14 to 236. read more

11:15 a.m. -The Johnson County Department of Health and Environment says anyone over the age of 18 who lives or works in Johnson County, Kansas, Get a FREE COVID-19 Test On Friday. JCDHE said the test will take place from 9am to 1pm or until the supplies are exhausted at the College Boulevard Activity Center at 11031 S. Valley Road in Olathe. read more

10:30 am – Kansas does not officially list the number of people who have recovered from COVID-19, but is tracked by local health departments across the state. According to numbers since Monday morning, 5,315 people recovered from the coronavirus. The state reported 10,393 confirmed cases on Friday. Leavenworth County reported 1,049 recalls, Johnson County 574 and Wyandot County 500.

9:30 am -According to state documentation, the Lansing Correction Facility is the largest single source of 10,393 coronavirus cases in Kansas, followed by the Tyson Food Meat Packing Plant near Garden City.

Kansas City Star I got the Kansas Public Health Report on the Outbreak from Brown Institute for Media Innovation at Columbia University. It collects government documents related to coronaviruses from all over the country.

The confidential report lists details of all outbreaks in the state as of May 19. Lansing Jail is associated with at least 846 viruses and 6 deaths as of May 19.

8 am -Wyandot County has reported 1,496 confirmed cases of COVID-19 since the outbreak began in 17 patients currently hospitalized. The county said it was estimated that 75 people had died of the coronavirus and 500 recovered since the outbreak began. The 66102 ZIP Code is the most affected area of ​​the county, with 403 cases, followed by 66104 with 66104 ZIP code and 66109 with 185 cases.

7:45 a.m. -Sporting Kansas City officials said the team Granted permission to resume practice for the entire team Starting today. Team officials said the club has put together a plan reviewed by Major League Soccer. MLS gave the plan a green light. read more

7:30 am -Move to Douglas County Phase 3 of the resumption plan on Monday. The meeting must be 45 people or less. All businesses and places, including swimming pools, can be reopened if the visitor can maintain a safe social distance.

7:00 am. -Johnson County reported 946 COVID-19 positive cases Monday morning since the outbreak began. The county said it has an estimated recovery of 574. The overall positive rate was 3.9%, with 24,183 tested for 23,237 negative tests. The county said it tested 40.1 people per 1,000 in the county. Johnson County said it continued to monitor nine outbreaks in long-term care facilities.

6:30 am -Regarding the overall case of coronaviruses, we expect an update from both Kansas and Missouri on Monday. On Friday, Kansas killed 232 people and reported more than 10,000 cases. In Missouri, the state reports more than 14,000 cases and kills 809 people.

6 am -Wyandot County Laura Kerry Governor’s Resume Guide Phase 3 today. In Phase 3, 45 or fewer gatherings are allowed. We will be reopening not only all businesses, but also activity centers and event spaces. You can also restart the swimming pool.

2:15 p.m. -In the Kansas City region, there was a small spike in case numbers on Sunday, with the case in Kansas City, Missouri increasing from Saturday with 26 new cases. The Missouri Department of Health said the entire state added 111 newly confirmed cases of coronavirus on Sunday.

[[[[Click here for a map of the COVID-19 case by counties in Kansas and Missouri ]

[[[[ Tracking the COVID-19 curve of deaths, Kansas and Missouri cases ]

2:15 p.m. -The Missouri Department of Health Services reported 189 new cases of COVID-19 on Saturday, reaching 14,442 in the state since the outbreak began. There are 809 deaths from COVID-19 across Missouri, an increase of 10 since Friday. read more..


Associated Press contributed to this story.


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