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Researchers say the lime infection rate for some black-footed mites in NS is 40%.

Researchers say the lime infection rate for some black-footed mites in NS is 40%.


Checking for ticks yourself is currently only part of the region’s summer routine, according to maritime researchers.

As the temperature rises, the tick season peaks.

The prevalence of Lyme disease in most black-footed mites in Nova Scotia is 40 percent. Areas around Lunenburg, Yarmouth and New Glasgow are of particular concern.

This information is provided by the Lloyd Dani Institute at Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick. The institute is investigating and testing Lyme disease mites throughout Canada.

According to Research Center Vett Lloyd, two types of mites can be encountered in Nova Scotia. The American dog tick is often harmless, and the American dog tick is often harmless and is also known as the deer tick.

Vett Lloyd is testing and investigating mites throughout Canada at the Lloyd Tick Lab at Mount Allison University. (Lloyd Tick Lab)

“It’s a bad kind,” Lloyd said.

According to Lloyd, mites live all year round, but peak in spring and autumn. This area is in the middle of the peak of spring.

“People are out and inundated with ticks,” Lloyd said, adding that Canada had a 150% increase in ticks between 2020 and 2021. Due to climate change and other factors, mites are expanding northward.

Safety measures include insect repellent sprays and tick checks, Lloyd said. Nova Scotia pharmacists can also prescribe prophylactic treatment.

“This morning I received a photo saying,” Oh, I thought it was a skin tag, but no, I have legs. ” It wasn’t a tick on the skin. It’s a engorged mite and feeds for a good week, “Lloyd said.

Lloyd says Nova Scotia and Ontario are ranked among the highest ticks in Canada. “Nova Scotia is the worst because it has more mites and fewer people than southern Ontario.”

Lime-positive dogs appeared earlier in the year

Dr. Jeff Goodall, owner and veterinarian of Sunny Viewer Animal Care in Bedford, said his clinic saw dogs test positive for Lyme disease early in the season.

He said the clinic would check if the dog was exposed to tick-borne disease when it came in for lameness.

“It’s a little too much, and probably our practice shows that we are positive for Lyme disease three to four times a week,” Goodall said.

“The essence of the situation is that if you give your dog only antibiotics and the limp is resolved, you will find that the limp is due to Lyme disease.”

Goodall said a significant number of dogs positive for Lyme disease did not receive tick prophylaxis. He said ticks infect diseases other than Lyme disease, such as anaplasmosis and ehrlichiosis.

The May 2022 eTick app Nova Scotia map shows the areas where mites were reported. (ETick)

He said that two common ways to protect dogs are oral and topical medicines.

What to do if you find a tick

If you find a tick, take it to the pharmacy and test it, Lloyd said. It is after the ticks have been gently pulled out and safely removed.

“Put them in a Ziploc bag and put them in the freezer in case you get sick. And if you’re worried about hanging out and waiting to get sick, you can send this and test it. You can, “Lloyd said.

“The point of taking the test is to first find out if you have Lyme disease. If you don’t have Lyme disease, don’t worry. If you have Lyme disease, you need more. May be. A single dose of antibiotics. “

Lloyd said it was important to identify the tick when it was found on your body — eTick Allows users to send photos of identified ticks. The public map of the website also shows user-submitted data about the geographic location of the tick.

According to Lloyd, mites want to feed for three to seven days and hide in places that are often overlooked.

“They’re looking for something hot and moist. Given that they’re on their ankles, they’ll let your feet crawl up. You’ll probably see where I’m going,” Lloyd said. Told.

“I want to see the groin. There are cracks and gaps in the skin. Armpits, neck, ears, hairline … especially because children are short. I want to check the upper part of the body because it crawls upwards.”




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