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Nerve Growth Protein Boost Helps Explain Why Running Supports Brain Health-ScienceDaily

Nerve Growth Protein Boost Helps Explain Why Running Supports Brain Health-ScienceDaily


According to new research, exercise raises the levels of chemicals involved in the growth of brain cells and promotes the release of the “feeling” hormone dopamine. Dopamine is known to play an important role in movement, motivation and learning.

Experts have long understood that regular running can increase dopamine activity in the brain and protect nerve cells from damage. In addition, past studies have linked dopamine-inducing chemicals called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and exercise-induced boosts in dopamine levels to improve learning and memory. However, the exact way these three factors interact has remained unclear.

In mice running on the wheel for 30 days, dopamine release in the dorsal striatum, which is part of the brain involved in exercise, compared to mouse levels, according to a study led by researchers at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine. Increased by 40%. I didn’t exercise. Runners also showed an almost 60% increase in BDNF levels compared to non-running counterparts. In particular, increased dopamine release remained elevated after a week of rest. In addition, running did not cause additional dopamine release when BDNF levels were artificially reduced.

“Our findings suggest that BDNF plays an important role in the long-term changes that occur in the brain as a result of running,” said Dr. Guendalina Bastioli, lead author and neurobiologist of the study. I am. “These results not only help explain why exercise improves exercise, thinking, and mood, but also show that these benefits continue without daily exercise,” said a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Neuroscience. Researcher Bastiori adds. NYU Langone Health.

According to Bastioli, researchers previously measured dopamine activity during running, but new research provides insights into the long-term behavior and effects of hormones on the brain after cessation of exercise.The report was published online on May 16th Journal of Neuroscience..

For research, researchers have given dozens of male mice unlimited access to either a freely rotating wheel or an immovable locked wheel. One month later, the team measured dopamine release and BDNF levels in brain slices. They repeated this same process with a new group of rodents. Some of them were genetically modified to produce BDNF, which is half that of normal mice.

The authors of the study state that patients with Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders are often treated with drugs that mimic the effects of dopamine on motor neurons. However, the mechanism behind the role of dopamine in this protective effect of exercise has not been fully investigated.

“Our results help us understand why exercise alleviates not only the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, but also the symptoms of neuropsychiatric disorders such as depression,” said Margaret, the lead author of the study and neuroscientist. Dr. Rice said. “Once we know why physical activity helps, we can explore it as a means of enhancing or replacing the use of dopamine-enhancing drugs in these patients.”

Rice, a professor of neurosurgery and neuroscience and physiology at NYU Langone, said the preliminary findings in rodents were promising, but a complete understanding of the role of BDNF and dopamine in Parkinson’s disease in humans. It warns that future research is needed.

She then added that the research team plans to investigate the relationship between exercise and these chemicals, especially in female mice that run more often than males. In addition, researchers intend to directly investigate whether active mice actually improve athletic performance compared to mice with restricted physical activity.

Funding for the study was provided by a grant from the National Institute of Substance Abuse, DA0510165. Further funding was provided by the Marlene and Paolo Fresco Institutes for Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders.

In addition to Bastioli and Rice, another New York University researcher involved in the study was Dr. Moses Chao. Dr. Jennifer Arnold; Dr. Maria Mancini; Adammar, PhD; BegoƱa Gamallo-Lana, PhD; and Khalil Saadipour, PhD.




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