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The CDC identifies nine cases of monkeypox in the United States with signs of local spread

The CDC identifies nine cases of monkeypox in the United States with signs of local spread


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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has 9 cases Monkeypox It has been detected in seven states as of Wednesday as global health authorities face an unprecedented virus epidemic.

U.S. officials say cases are concentrated in men who have sex with men, reflecting the trends seen in European countries where the outbreak began. Not all of them have traveled to countries where the virus was recently detected, and signs of monkeypox are spreading throughout the United States.

Officials say monkeypox is difficult to transmit and is easier to contain than a highly contagious virus, so it poses a lower risk to the general public. coronavirus..But public health agencies want to quickly calm the outbreak A doctor on the lookout For people with rashes and abnormal lesions associated with monkeypox to receive treatment.

Authorities also urged Americans not to stigmatize homosexuals as carriers of the disease or assume that they are the only ones susceptible to the virus.Estimated Virginia Incident According to officials, a woman who recently traveled to an African country is involved.

Monkeypox is a skin-to-skin contact, exposure to a person with a lively rash or lesion such as contaminated clothing or bedding, or respiratory droplets during prolonged face-to-face contact when the lesion is in the mouth or throat. Spreads by. According to experts, the early concentration of cases in gay and bisexual men seems to be a coincidence that the first patient was infected with another on a social network.

“Infectious diseases don’t care about states or borders, aren’t part of social networks, and the risk of exposure isn’t limited to a particular group,” CDC Deputy Director Jennifer McKistton told reporters Thursday. Told to. “Our priority is to enable everyone to make informed decisions to protect their health and the health of their communities, because it raises science-guided awareness, not stigma. to start.”

Cases have been confirmed in Massachusetts, Florida, Utah, New York, Virginia, Washington, and California.

“We need to speculate that there is some degree of community expansion, but it is currently done to understand if and how these cases have come into contact with each other or with others in other countries. There is active contact tracing, “said CDC director Rochelle Warensky.

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Federal officials say they are working with gay social networking apps and LGBTQ organizations to disseminate information about monkeypox ahead of June’s Pride Month. It is said that there is no reason to avoid the festival of pride, but you should avoid contact with people with a rash and see a doctor if you have an unusual rash.

According to the report, more than 265 recent cases of monkeypox have been identified worldwide, primarily in Europe. Tracking By a team of scholars working with Data initiative Global.Health.. Monkeypox is generally confined to West Africa and Central Africa, and cases are regularly detected in travelers from this region, including two cases in the United States last year.

America first saw Monkeypox in a 2003 outbreak associated with African rodents It has infected dozens of people.

Monkeypox causes a illness that lasts for 2-4 weeks, starting with a fever and pain like the flu, followed by a rash characterized by a pus-filled ridge. In recent cases, there is a rash near the genitals.

Monkeypox is rarely fatal and is similar to smallpox, so antivirals and vaccines can be stockpiled and treated in the event of smallpox. Vaccines can be given immediately after exposure to prevent serious illness.

Large Punjabi, senior director of global health security and biodefense at the White House National Security Council, said authorities provided vaccines to health care workers exposed to the first known patients in Massachusetts.




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