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Authorities recommend Memorial Day Weekend when the city reaches “high” COVID levels – NBC Chicago

Authorities recommend Memorial Day Weekend when the city reaches “high” COVID levels – NBC Chicago


update: Currently, some counties in Illinois are at the “high community level” of the virus, including some in the Chicago region.Read the latest updates Here..

Chicago health officials aren’t expected to be obliged for Memorial Day weekend, but some precautions should be taken by residents, despite the potential for the region to move to “high” community alert levels. He said there was a measure.

On Friday, Chicago Public Health Director Dr. Allison Arwadi urged people planning to meet on holiday weekends to meet outdoors or wear masks if they were in an indoor public space.

“One of the easiest things we can do to mitigate the risk of COVID is to do most of the things outside, or to celebrate outside,” she said. “For me, that greatly reduces my concerns. People are gathering for Memorial Day, so if you can do it, I highly recommend it, especially for those at high risk. “

Arwady said the rally wouldn’t be discouraging, but would encourage people to be “attention and caution.”

“If someone is visiting, we see people, travel is a risk factor,” she said. “If people come to town and are worried about it, I just recommend getting some of those home tests-you take the test that day, everyone denies If so, you are thinking about the risks of who is there and what is available, as you have very few major COVID outbreaks and super-spreader events, but during the summer, I recommend that you do so as you can get out as much as you can. “

Arwady said this week, along with Cook County, the city is likely to reach a high level of community alert, following guidelines set by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The data from the CDC is set to be updated on Thursday evening.

“We look forward to moving to the high end,” Arwady said Thursday. “So we will make a formal update from tomorrow, which is our expectation.”

According to the CDC, the county has more than 200 new weekly COVID cases per 100,000 inhabitants and more than 10 new COVID hospitalizations per 100,000 people, the COVID-19 is “high”. It is considered to be “community level”. If there is more than 10% bed use by residents per week or COVID patients.

As of Friday, all Illinois counties in the Chicago area were at the “medium community level” of COVID-19 according to CDC guidelines, but were expected to reach the “high” level with this week’s update. There were also things. However, eight counties in Illinois (Boon, Lee, Stephenson, Winebago, Champaign, Ford, Peoria, and Tazewell) are already at high risk at the COVID community level.

Evanston, located in the northern suburbs of Chicago, also states that it is currently at a “high” community level.

As of last Friday, Cook County reported 367.34 new weekly cases per 100,000 inhabitants and 9.8 new COVID infections per 100,000 inhabitants per week. increase.

Also, its hospitalization cluster, a group of counties that the CDC classifies together for pattern and proximity of healthcare services, includes the DuPage, Lake, and McHenry counties.

According to CDC officials, DeKalb, Kane, and Kendall counties have 8.1 new admissions per 100,000 inhabitants. This means that these three counties could also be in the “high community level” range by this week.

If the county reaches the “high community level” of COVID, residents are advised to wear masks indoors regardless of COVID vaccination status.

Residents with weakened immunity or living with them should consider avoiding “non-essential indoor activities” and consult their doctor for additional steps that may be required. It is recommended to do.

City and county health officials have not explicitly stated that the transition to a “high community level” could lead to new mask mandates, but implement such strategies when medical facilities are strained. Some point out that it can be done.

Arwady said that doesn’t apply to Chicago-yet.

“For clarity, if the county moves to that high risk in an update later this week, the city of Sikago is considered to be at high risk for COVID. This is a high and impactful case for us. I was hospitalized, but I didn’t reinstate my mask obligations, for example, until the hospitals in Chicago were seriously affected. “

Alert status changes occur just before the Memorial Day holiday weekend.




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