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Lack of microbial diversity in the gut or elevated metabolites associated with the severity of heart failure-ScienceDaily

Lack of microbial diversity in the gut or elevated metabolites associated with the severity of heart failure-ScienceDaily


According to a systematic review of the results of a study led by the School of Nursing and Health at Georgetown University, some people who experience heart failure either go to the hospital because of low intestinal biodiversity or high intestinal metabolites. There are many visits and the risk of death is high. Study researchers and colleagues.

The gut flora is a delicately balanced ecosystem composed primarily of bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. The microbiota can affect cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in the United States. Heart failure, which affects more than 6 million Americans each year, is often the end of advanced cardiovascular disease.

For their overview, researchers have seven years of genetic, pharmacological, and other types of research from around the world to create a broader perspective on how the microflora affects heart failure. I examined the result. Researchers have found that trimethylamine-N-oxide is one harmful metabolite that can be produced by stirring the gut microbiota when whole-fat dairy products, egg yolks, and lean meats are consumed. Focused on (TMAO).

Analysis appeared on June 20, 2022 Review of heart failure.

“Diagnosis and management of heart failure depends on specific findings and test results, but we do not know how poor heart function affects bowel activity, such as food and drug absorption.” , Dr. Kelly Anderson, FNP, CHFN said. , Associate Professor of Nursing in Georgetown and the corresponding author of the study. “Because it is clear that the heart and vascular system do not function alone, the context between the heart and the elements in the intestine is recognized. The health of one system can directly affect the other. Yes, but it’s clear. The connection is still scientifically resolved. “

Researchers analyzed 511 research articles published between 2014 and 2021 linking microbial flora and heart failure, focusing on the 30 most relevant articles. In recent years, more advanced techniques, especially tools that can scrutinize the biological role of DNA and RNA in the body, have provided more detailed insights into the relationship between the gut and the heart, and these studies are of particular interest. did.

The lack of strong data from the studies reviewed did not allow researchers to pinpoint the effect of diet on the interaction between the microbial flora and the cardiovascular system. Researchers point out that having the opportunity to investigate the effects of diet on microbiota is a promising area for future research efforts, as nutrition is an important component of overall cardiovascular health. did.

Regarding possible interventions to mitigate the adverse effects of the microbiota on heart disease, Anderson has ongoing studies evaluating the use of antibiotics, prebiotics, and probiotics, all of which affect the microbiota. May give. Helps eliminate harmful elements from the intestines.

“We are currently developing prospective studies to assess the microbiota of patients with heart failure, especially for the symptomatic experience of patients with end-stage heart failure, as well as disease-related weight loss and wasting at this stage. I’m interested. Cardiovascular disease, “says Anderson.

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material Provided by Georgetown University Medical Center.. Note: Content can be edited in style and length.




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