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Brain, nervous system, etc.

Brain, nervous system, etc.


PTSD affects your brain and nervous system. This can cause physiological effects such as headaches, inflammation and heart problems long after a traumatic event.

If a mental health problem has a physiological impact, this means it affects your physical health. For example, stress may cause you headaches and nausea.

Physiology is a type of biology that studies physical functions such as cells, tissues, and organ systems.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) It can cause a variety of physical symptoms, including those that do not appear to be related to the trauma you have experienced. For example, you may experience extreme fatigue and muscle aches without a clear cause. Elevated blood pressure, joint pain, and headaches are other possible effects.

There are various PTSD treatments available. Finding the right one can help you feel better emotionally and physically.

your Fight, run away, or freeze reaction Kick in when your body senses danger. This reaction causes physical adaptations aimed at protecting you, such as increased heart rate, and helps you run faster. Extra hormones such as epinephrine (adrenaline), cortisol, and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) enter the bloodstream.

This reaction is considered short-lived and quickly disappears for many who experience traumatic events. However, for some people, the condition persists and becomes PTSD.

according to US Department of Veterans Affairs50% to 60% of people experience trauma in their lives, but about 6% develop PTSD.

trauma Post-traumatic symptoms such as hypervigilance, anxiety, and miserable memory can be significant to the body, as they can affect the body long after the traumatic event is over.

PTSD can cause a variety of physiological effects, including:

  • Changes in sleep
  • Decreased immune system function
  • Chest pain
  • Stomach upset
  • headache
  • trembling
  • sweating
  • dizzy
  • Muscle pain and pain
  • gain inflammation When Oxidative stress Whole body

Over time, high levels of inflammation can lead to health problems such as heart disease and diabetes. People who live with PTSD may be at increased risk of these complications.

Chronic PTSD can also lead to early onset of aging-related conditions, such as:

Physical symptoms such as pain may remind you of the events that caused PTSD. This can exacerbate the symptoms. research We have discovered that this repeating cycle can increase inflammation and oxidative stress and cause cellular degeneration.

The sympathetic nervous system (SNS) promotes fighting, escape, or freezing reactions. It is part of the autonomic nervous system and is a system that controls involuntary processes such as heart rate and blood pressure.

SNS has nerves that are responsible for sensory input and motor output. It monitors your environment and responds with the right amount of activation in the event of a crisis.

When social media becomes active, the body suspends less important functions such as food digestion. Instead, prepare for behavior with some physiological changes.

  • Increased heart rate
  • Increased blood pressure and blood vessel volume
  • Glycogenolysis (converts glycogen stored in the liver into glucose to fuel the body)
  • Gastrointestinal peristalsis (muscle movement) stops
  • Spread students
  • Decreased urine output
  • Opened airway
  • Decreased secretion of enzymes and insulin
  • Increased sweating

The amygdala is the part of the brain that drives these changes. These physiological responses are useful when there is a real danger, but with trauma, the amygdala cannot distinguish between new threats and memories of what has passed.

If you live with PTSD, your amygdala may be too responsive. If there is something that reminds you of past trauma, social media may be active even if you don’t need it. This means that you spend a lot of time experiencing stress.

PTSD also affects other areas of the brain.

A 2017 survey We have discovered that PTSD causes changes in a region of the brain called the hippocampus. It is the hippocampus that tells the amygdala if the threat is real. This contributes to the exaggerated anxiety you may be experiencing when it is unable to do this correctly.

Trauma can also affect the prefrontal cortex. Often referred to as the “CEO of the brain,” its executive function capacity may not be very active due to PTSD. This makes it difficult to think clearly in the face of traumatic reminders and memories.

Treatment And medicine is the main Treatment of PTSDAnd self-care strategies can also help.


In addition to relieving current PTSD symptoms, treatment can also reduce the annoyance of recurrence. Sometimes it can even eliminate them.

Therapy helps by teaching you to recognize and change useless thought patterns that can lead to unwanted behavior.

A 2015 survey We compared seven types of PTSD therapies and found that they covered similar topics.

  • Psychoeducation
  • Affect adjustment
  • Fictitious exposure
  • Cognitive processing and restructuring
  • Memory process

While most types of treatments can bring some benefits, choosing a treatment that is tailored to the trauma can be more helpful to PTSD.

according to American Psychiatric AssociationThe most effective treatments for PTSD are:

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Cognitive processing therapy
  • Cognitive therapy
  • Long-term exposure

Conditionally other treatments are recommended. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy And story exposure therapy.

It is important to remember that you can try multiple types if the treatment you are starting with does not seem appropriate.


Antidepressants may help with the symptoms of PTSD. The antidepressants that doctors may prescribe for PTSD are:

All four medicines are effective for treatment Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)..According to the American Psychological Association, MDD occurs in PTSD 50% Temporal.

Self-care strategy

Another useful approach to managing PTSD is to prioritize self-care. This can be done in several ways.

Mindfulness Training can help calm the autonomic nervous system fighting, escape, or freezing reactions.

A 2017 A meta-analysis study found that PTSD interventions with more careful training were better at alleviating participants’ symptoms.

If you find it difficult to make multiple changes at once, it may be easier to start with one and make other changes when you’re ready. Even small lifestyle adjustments can make a difference.

If you are using PTSD, you do not need to manage PTSD alone. You may have friends and family who will support you if you ask.

If you have a family doctor, consider talking to your family doctor. They may be able to connect you to useful resources.

Treatment with PTSD may reduce the effects of symptoms. As the psychological problems from your condition improve, so do the physical effects.

If you want to know more about starting treatment, Psych Central’s How to Find Mental Health Support Resources are useful. You can also access PsychCentral’s PTSD resource When Trauma resource For more insight and information.




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