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[BREAKING] Football Coach Died After Playing Too Many Video Games During Lockdown: Here’s Why


A healthy soccer coach died after playing too many video games during the lockdown caused by the global coronavirus pandemic. by Metro ukLouis O’Neill, a 24-year-old football coach in his latest report, suffered from deep venous thrombosis after spending hours playing computer games and leaving him dead.

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Too many video games cause the death of a soccer coach

(Photo: Unsplash’s Wesley Tingey)
Too many video games, cause of football coach death

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After being temporarily fired from work at Center Parx for a global pandemic, Louise O’Neill sought comfort in video games with friends online. Recognizing that Louise was upset and depressed by the effects of the pandemic, his father, Stanley Green (56), asked him to leave her, and encouraged his son to leave the house from time to time.

by Daily emailStanley warned other families that young people are at risk of being trapped in a room without physical activity or a walk outside, according to a recent report from.

“There was a terrible event on June 3rd, the worst that could happen to such a young man, and the worst that could happen to a parent. My son, my dear Louis, has left.” And Stanley wrote on social media Daily email..

“It’s not because of an evil virus, it’s because his young life wasn’t trying to find his foot yet. It was just torn. Desolation… seeing a loved boy go that way. After that, I am in a living hell.”

According to Stanley, his son became less active after a pandemic calmed his work and forced him to escape the world through his video games.

Too many video games are causing the death of a football coach

Luis O’Neill’s father said he didn’t expect his son to suffer from a blood clot after playing for hours.

Too many video games, cause of football coach death

(Photo: Alexey Savchenko from Unsplash)
Too Many Video Games, Causes Of Soccer Coach Death

“24 years old. Who warns the youth. Who warns people of what age. Nobody. So I am. I will continue to spread this warning in his name because my son will continue to live. He said.

of Metro ukDeep venous thrombosis is a venous thrombosis that usually occurs in the legs, which results in long periods of physical activity, such as sitting while walking long distances or being trapped in bed. Is caused by

Symptoms include swollen veins and cramping pain in one leg. Touching the swollen area may cause pain or shortness of breath.

Greening said his son’s death could have been prevented if he knew the risk of too many video games.

“Like many, I associate it with being alerted to seniors and planes. Many of us work from home, so we may not be getting off as many chairs as we need. “Get up and walk, warn the children around you,” he said.

The soccer coach told his father he was sick before going out in bed and died two weeks later. After calling 111, they were told that Louis might be food poisoning, but his condition deteriorated and he complained about the pain he felt in his leg.

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