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No Calories Does Not Mean No Health Effects

No Calories Does Not Mean No Health Effects


Bags of artificial sweeteners, sugar and a salt shaker arranged in cart containers Share on Pinterest
Sugar substitutes may not be as harmless as widely believed.Marie Lafauci/Getty Images
  • Researchers found that aspartame, saccharin, steviasucralose on human metabolism and gut microbiota.
  • They found that these non-nutritive sweeteners can induce individual specific changes in glycemic response by altering the gut microbiota.
  • The findings challenge the common belief that sugar substitutes have no effect on the human body and highlight the need for further clinical research.

after eating food containing carbohydrate, blood sugar levels (blood sugar) rise as you digest food. This postprandial spike in blood sugar is known as the glycemic response.

Non-nutritive sweeteners (NNS) such as aspartame, saccharin, stevia, and sucralose contain little or no carbohydrates, so scientists assumed they would not cause a glycemic response. This belief that NNS is biologically inert, coupled with its sweet taste, has made it a very popular sugar substitute, especially for administration. Diabetes and weight gain.

and study Published in 2014, Dr. Eran ElinahuHis team of immunologists and microbiome researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel and the Department of Microbiome & Cancer at DKFZ in Heidelberg, Germany challenge the notion that NNS are biologically inert. I chanted This study established that a non-caloric artificial sweetener induces glucose intolerance in mice by altering their gut microbiota.

New research now published in the journal by Dr. Elinahu and his team cell have shown that NNS have similar effects on humans.

“We need to raise awareness of the fact that non-nutritive sweeteners are not inert to the human body as we originally believed.”
— Dr. Eran Elinahu

“This is a very powerful and rigorous study, and the results are important and timely.” Dr. Michael GolanProfessor of Pediatrics at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine and Program Director in Diabetes and Obesity at the Saban Institute at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles, but was not involved in the study. medical news todayDr. Golan said, sugar proof.

“Non-nutritive sweeteners are rapidly increasing across the food supply and in all demographics, including children and pregnant women, but their full and long-term effects on human health have not been extensively studied.

The researchers recruited only healthy volunteers who did not consume NNS in their daily diet for the study. (to control for potential interference from glucose in the standard NNS formulation) and no supplement (second control group).

All sweeteners were given as commercial sachets containing a glucose mixture at doses lower than the FDA-recommended acceptable daily intake.

To investigate the effect of NNS on glycemic response, participants wore a continuous glucose monitor throughout the clinical trial and completed a glucose tolerance test on pre-determined days. It measures your ability to absorb and utilize glucose (sugar).

The researchers found that the group that took saccharin and sucralose had a “significantly elevated” glycemic response during exposure to NNS. No significant effects on glucose tolerance were observed in the aspartame, stevia, glucose, and no supplement groups.

These findings suggest that short-term intake of saccharin and sucralose at doses lower than the acceptable daily intake may affect the glycemic response in healthy individuals.

Based on the results of animal model studies, researchers hypothesized that NNS may affect human metabolism through alterations in the gut microbiota. To test their hypothesis, the researchers analyzed participants’ stool microbiome samples before and after NNS intake.

They found that all four NNSs tested altered the bacteria in the gut and the molecules they secreted. .

Such microbiome changes did not occur in the control group. These findings suggest that NNS are not inert to the human microbiome.

“[The study is] A first step to confirm what many have suspected for some time. That artificial sweeteners have measurable effects on metabolism and health. This finding proposes a valid mechanism of action for the downstream effects of sweeteners on glycemic control through interactions with the gut microbiota. ”
Professor Tim Spectorco-founder of personalized nutrition company ZOE and researcher at King’s College London

To determine whether changes in the microbiome are indeed responsible for the changes in glycemic response, the researchers tested the gut bacteria of study participants in germ-free mice (raised in completely sterile conditions and with their own microbiome). mouse).

Taken together, these mice exhibited a glycemic response that mirrored that of human microbiome donors.

These results suggest that the human microbiome’s response to NNS is highly individualized and may lead to changes in blood glucose in some, but not all, consumers, depending on the microbiome and NNS they consume. suggests.

The idea that the human gut microbiome could respond to certain food additives and cause metabolic changes is not new. food emulsifier, food preservativeWhen coloring agent Facilitates metabolic changes through changes in the microbiome.

Recently, researchers new low calorie sweetener Promotes growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria, impacting overall health.

When asked about the study’s limitations, Dr. Elinabu said the clinical trial included only healthy, non-overweight, normoglycemic individuals, and that participants received only one NNS formulation.

“Our results call for further randomized, non-industry-sponsored intervention studies in at-risk populations, such as prediabetics and diabetics. Other NNS[s]formulation, and dosage need to be further explored,” said Dr. Elinav.

“Furthermore, the effects of NNS should be compared in future controlled trials between carbohydrate-rich and non-carbohydrate consumers. [carbohydrate]- Restrictive diet for potential different effects on human metabolism MenstruationIf a full evaluation of potential health effects mediated by the altered microbiome upon consumption of various NNSs would require longer exposure durations than those utilized in our study. there is.[s],” he added.

Dr. Golan, who was not involved in the study, suggested that monk fruit sweeteners and other sweeteners such as allulose are becoming increasingly popular and should be investigated.

“We also need studies in children because the microbiome is still developing and the effects of these compounds may be different and affect long-term outcomes,” he said.

“Also, while this paper contains very detailed information on microbiome outcomes and glycemic responses, other outcomes of interest include overall effects on appetite regulation and cognitive effects. “There is evidence to suggest that it has an adverse effect on both of these outcomes,” he added.

Professor Spector, who was also not involved in the study, pointed out that additives or coloring agents in such sweeteners may also be behind these effects.

“As the authors state in this paper, emulsifiers, additives, and artificial colors likely affect the human microbiome and affect metabolic responses, but is it the glycemic response or other? It is not yet clear what the MNT.

Dr. Golan suggests avoiding all sweeteners “until there is stronger evidence that they are safe.”

“None [the non-nutritive sweeteners] solve [the] There are studies that suggest that habitual consumption of sweeteners increases overall daily calorie and sugar consumption.
— Dr. Michael Golan

Professor Spector echoed a similar thought:

“Research results suggest that responses vary between individuals, but all sweeteners appear to have some effect, none appear to be superior to the others, and I I would personally avoid them.

Although the results of this study raise concerns about the effects of NNS on human health, Dr. Elinav cautions: obesitydiabetes, and their health effects, and our findings do not endorse or promote the consumption of any form or form of sugar.

“[We] I strongly believe that sugar consumption should be minimized and avoided whenever possible,” he added.




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