CDC Provides Monkeypox Guidance to Schools and Day Care Centers
- CDC has issued guidance on preventing monkeypox transmission in nurseries and schools.
- Agencies recommend washing hands regularly, disinfecting surfaces and common areas, and asking children, staff and volunteers to stay home when sick.
- According to the CDC, children and adolescents have a low risk of developing monkeypox.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), schools, nurseries, and other facilities that serve children and adolescents do not need to take special precautions for monkeypox.
The agency advises these facilities to “follow routine operational guidance to reduce transmission of infectious diseases.”
This includes regular hand washing, disinfecting surfaces and common areas, and asking children, staff and volunteers to stay home when sick.
“At this time, the risk of monkeypox contracting U.S. children and adolescents is low,” the CDC said on its website, adding a series of
As of August 24th,
However, only a few cases have occurred in children of school age. CDC
This is based on nearly 70% of reported cases for which age data are available.
“Parents should be aware of monkeypox,” but they shouldn’t be “overly concerned at this time.” Amanda CastellProfessor of Epidemiology, George Washington University, Washington, DC
Doctor Dean BlumbergA professor in the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at UC Davis Health in Sacramento, California, agreed with the CDC’s assessment of the low risk of monkeypox to children.
“[The monkeypox virus] It’s not easily contagious and there are signs that people are contagious, such as when they have a rash,” he said.
something new came out evidence Monkeypox can be transmitted from asymptomatic people, but it is unclear whether it is a common problem.
A rash is one of the most common symptoms of monkeypox. Fever, chills, muscle aches, and headaches may also occur.
Children have the same symptoms as adults, but
So, “If your child gets a rash, don’t panic,” Castell said. “It could be something else.”
Most cases of monkeypox in children and adolescents get better without treatment.
Some children, including those under the age of 8, those with immunocompromised conditions, or those with certain skin conditions such as eczema, severe acne, or burns, are at increased risk of serious illness.
But the monkeypox virus can infect anyone, including children who have close, personal, and often skin-to-skin contact with a monkeypox patient, CDC
Nonetheless, Blumberg said children are unlikely to have this type of contact in a school setting.
“Children may ride horses with each other, but few children have prolonged skin-to-skin contact with other students or school staff during normal school activities,” he said. I got
Some exceptions would be activities such as wrestling and similar sports.
“But I think coaches and other school staff are familiar with keeping kids with rashes out of such activities,” he said.
The monkeypox virus can also be spread by touching contaminated objects, fabrics, and surfaces used by monkeypox patients, but CDC guidance says this route of transmission is less common in the current outbreak. says.
Additionally, the CDC says children, staff, and volunteers generally don’t need to be excluded from schools, daycares, or other settings if they have been infected with monkeypox and have no symptoms.
“I can’t stress this enough,” Castell said.
CDC Guidance for Schools and Daycare Centers
In its guidance, the CDC said that in some cases involving high-risk exposures, local health departments may limit participation in certain activities.
Additionally, boarding schools, overnight camps, and other residential settings should follow institutional guidance.
Blumberg said schools and day care centers have “strong measures” to deal with staff and children who may be ill or contagious, including those with rashes or fevers that may indicate a contagious infection. “We already have the experience and the policy,” he said.
Additionally, parents should monitor their children for symptoms before sending them to school or daycare.
“If your child is sick, they should stay home,” Castell said. “Parents should contact their pediatrician or health care provider if they develop a rash, which is common in children, as it may be accompanied by a fever.”
It can also help clinicians identify the cause of a child’s rash, says Blumberg.
“If you have a parent or school staff member who is concerned about a possible monkeypox rash, make sure they are evaluated,” he said.
Overall, Castel believes the CDC’s guidance is “pretty comprehensive.” But she also wants to see information presented in a way that accounts for distinct risks for different age groups.
“What parents do with young children from a prevention standpoint—helping them learn things like how to wash their hands regularly—is different from young children. [talking to] Adolescents or college students who may be involved in some kind of close intimate relationship,” she said.
Additionally, she encourages parents to keep monkeypox in sight for the fall.
“Monkeypox Risk [for children and adolescents] “It’s very low right now,” she said.
“This will help children stay healthy and ready for this new school year,” she said.
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