Why women are at higher risk of developing atrial fibrillation
- Researchers say that overall men are more likely than women to develop atrial fibrillation (AFib).
- However, we note that women are actually at higher risk of atrial fibrillation than men, given their shorter stature.
- They say the medical community needs to shift its focus to figuring out why women are at such increased risk.
Traditional belief that men are at higher risk atrial fibrillation (AFib) From a woman.
However, researchers now report that women may be at higher risk after considering their height.
Studies completed in Sumit Heart Institute With Cedars Sinai
Researchers examined the medical records of 25,119 people without a diagnosis of heart disease.
After a median follow-up of 5.3 years, 900 AFib events were identified, 495 in men and 405 in women.
Men were at higher risk than women when scientists adjusted the data for age and treatment assignment. ), men were still at higher risk.
However, women were at higher risk when researchers considered their height and build.
Researchers reported that the taller they were, the more likely they were to develop AFib. But when a man and a woman are the same height, researchers say the woman is at a higher risk of developing her AFib.
But why does height increase the risk of AFib?
“It is generally known that the more heart tissue, the larger the organism and the more likely it is to develop atrial fibrillation. It is commonly seen,” he said. Dr. Shefar DoshiHe is a Cardiac Electrophysiologist and Director of Cardiac Electrophysiology and Pacing at Providence St. John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, CA.
“The results of this study help clarify gender disparities associated with atrial fibrillation risk, especially considering a person’s height,” he said. Dr. Salvatore Savonaan electrophysiologist at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.
“Previously, women were thought to be at a lower risk of developing atrial fibrillation. However, given these results and the fact that women have higher rates of heart failure and stroke than men, atrial fibrillation We need to focus more on early detection and prevention of ,” Savona told Healthline.
In the past, the medical community has attempted to answer the question of why women appear to be protected from atrial fibrillation.
Now, researchers wonder why women are at higher risk of developing AFib.
“Atrial fibrillation
“In atrial fibrillation, the atria, or the upper chambers of the heart, beat very erratically (sometimes up to 300 to 600 beats per minute). It increases your risk,” Warrier told Healthline.
Symptoms can range from non-existent to severe.
“Some people may be completely asymptomatic from atrial fibrillation, but common symptoms include heart palpitations, shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness and fatigue,” he says. Dr. Nadia Jafara cardiologist at Torrance Memorial Medical Center in California, an affiliate of Cedars Sinai.
“If any of the above symptoms occur or persist, you should seek medical attention,” Jafar told Healthline.
is more than
there are many treatment options for AFib.
They include:
- Medications – You can use various medications to slow your heart rate and blood thinners to help prevent blood clots
- Cardioversion – Electroshock therapy is used to try to restore the heart’s normal heart rhythm
- Catheter ablation – also called cardiac ablation, uses a catheter to destroy tissue around the heart, causing atrial fibrillation.
- Surgical ablation – minimally invasive surgery to destroy tissue that causes AFib
Not all cases of AFib are preventable. However, leading a healthy lifestyle can help.
According to experts, lifestyle factors include:
- no smoking
- Follow a heart-healthy Mediterranean diet high in plant foods and low in saturated fat
- be physically active
- maintaining a healthy weight
Experts say it’s important to see your doctor regularly.
It also helps you record your symptoms and bring the log with you when you visit your doctor.
Some people find that several triggers cause abnormal heart rates, such as caffeine, stress, and some exercise. Avoiding triggers can help, experts say.
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