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Harvard doctors say the vaccine is “very optimistic” to launch the vaccine in early 2021, but it may not be entirely effective


Dr Ashish Jha, Head of Harvard Global Health Institute, Coronavirus Please note that the vaccine will be launched in early 2021 but may not be 100% effective.

Jar said he was encouraged by the development of vaccines in the United States, Europe and the United States on “Fox News Sunday.” ChinaHowever, even if the vaccine becomes available, he may not be able to completely immunize people from COVID-19.

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“Vaccine, I’m going to get one at the beginning of 2021. The challenge here is to have more than 7 billion people in the world. Everyone will need billions of times.”

In addition, “I am concerned about the supply chain, enough vials and syringes, etc.”

Jar said that due to high demand, it may take until spring or summer next year before anyone in the United States can be vaccinated.

Jha is also encouraged by the number of possible vaccines in development and points out that there are currently more than 12 vaccines in clinical trials. He hopes China will get it first, perhaps in the fall, but he will probably get more than one vaccine out, he said.

At the same time, Jha pointed out that the COVID-19 vaccine may not be the kind of injection that will prevent people from getting sick, and that it may not last forever. He also said this was not necessarily a problem.

“I hope at least you can get a vaccine that will prevent you from getting very sick with the virus. So you may still get a mild illness, but you don’t get so sick Maybe it’s also the kind of vaccine you need to get vaccinated each year, but that’s okay. That’s fine.”

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Regarding the treatment of those who already have COVID-19, Jha wasn’t optimistic that there were drugs that people could easily take to relieve their symptoms. While there are certain drugs that have been successful in highly ill patients, he does not anticipate that there are drugs that people can take to get better.

“I want to do the wrong thing, but the history of antiviral therapy isn’t great. I couldn’t come up with a good oral drug.”

Jar also addressed the increasing number of cases across the country. He blamed this partly for reopening some states too soon and not following federal guidelines on the gradual reopening process, and for “mixed messages on masks and social distance.”

The doctor said he was worried about the scenes of masked people attending President Trump’s speech in the mountains. Rushmore did not practice social distance on weekends.

“These are just dangerous,” Jar said of such a gathering, adding that President Trump should “stick to science” to get people to take precautions. “I was happy to see it because the outdoors are better than the indoors,” he said.

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Mr Jar said the country is now facing a “critical moment” and some states must be “very aggressive” in the fight against Spike. Returning to the “shelter-in-place” practice is “always something I want to avoid,” he said, “without a virus in control, it’s very difficult to keep a school open.”

Although the number of cases is increasing, the number of deaths does not follow the same trend. Jar said this could be due to several reasons.

Mortality statistics are often behind the number of cases because people get sick and it takes longer to die of the illness. At the same time, he pointed out that some patients may still be quite ill, but will eventually survive, as doctors are getting better at treating people. It was also reported that many of the new cases were young people who were generally ill.

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