October sees highest RSV, flu cases in 5 years in Coachella Valley
Coachella Valley hospitals had an early influx of respiratory syncytial virus and flu cases this October. This is his best in five years, and medical experts are concerned for the coming fall and winter months.
respiratory syncytial virus, or RSVis a common respiratory virus that causes mild cold-like symptoms in most people. But immunocompromised people, the elderly, and infants are most at risk of severe infections, said Dr. Ashley Zar, a pediatric hospitalist at the Desert Regional Medical Center and the JFK Memorial. Infection can cause bronchiolitis, or inflammation of the small airways, and difficulty breathing.
Most children are exposed to the virus by the age of two. The infection usually clears up on her own in one to two weeks.
Eisenhower Health epidemiologist Dr. Patricia Cummings said Eisenhower Health had 95 RSV cases so far this month. About 93% of RSV cases are in children under the age of 18, and her 70% of cases are in her 0 to her 4-year-old group. Cummings said the good news is that few people need hospitalization.
Eisenhower Health has had 96 flu cases this month, 91 of which are due to influenza A and 5 due to influenza B. About 56% of flu cases are children under the age of 18.
During October, there were 19 RSV-positive cases and 3 hospitalizations at the Desert Regional, and 9 cases and 1 hospitalization at the JFK Memorial. However, due to limited supplies, not everyone is being tested, so “there may be more cases than are actually being detected,” Zerr said. increase.
Zar said flu cases at the Desert Regional and JFK Memorial have been minimal so far, but people are visiting hospitals with other respiratory viruses. She added that the pediatrics ward was full last week and about half full this week, and there are concerns about a shortage of beds this winter.
Influenza and RSV cases are usually most prevalent in November, December and January, but the early start of October suggests another severe storm as medical centers weather the season.
“I’m concerned because if October already has the highest number of these respiratory viruses in five years, it will only rise further after holiday gatherings.” And whenever you get together with people you don’t normally get together with, it’s an opportunity for the virus to spread.”
above national level, as of the week ending 23 October, 1.4 per 100,000 were hospitalized for RSV, higher than the 1.0 per 100,000 seen during the 2021-2022 season that same week. . His hospitalization rate for the 2019-2020 season, before the COVID-19 outbreak, was 0.3 per 100,000 in the week ending October 23.
with the flu, Although activity is currently low in California, However, influenza positivity rates, outpatient levels, and associated hospitalizations are increasing. Riverside County currently has moderate flu activity levels based on state data.
With colder weather forcing people to spend more time indoors and holiday travel approaching, medical authorities are urging people to take precautions to protect themselves and their loved ones from illness. I am urging you.
Like other viruses, RSV is spread through large droplets such as sneezes and coughs, so wearing a face mask is recommended. The virus can also persist for hours on surfaces and about 30 minutes on unwashed hands, so “so it can spread very quickly throughout a community, even if you’re not in close proximity to someone,” he said. He says Zerr. She encourages frequent hand washing and surface disinfection, especially in day care centers, schools and homes.
There is no specific treatment for RSV, but researchers are working on vaccines and antiviral drugs. Children are rarely admitted to intensive care units, Zha said, but bronchiolitis or pneumonia can lead to hospitalization, and some patients may need supplemental oxygen and intravenous fluids. have a nature
Both doctors strongly recommend that adults and children be vaccinated against both COVID-19 and the flu. Cummings said vaccination is especially important for children born during her COVID-19 pandemic who have not been exposed to common respiratory viruses such as RSV and are experiencing “immune debt.” said.
Everyone 6 months and older is eligible to receive both COVID-19 (new coronavirus infectious disease) When influenza shot.
Ema Sasic covers entertainment and wellness in the Coachella Valley. Contact her at [email protected] or on her Twitter @ema_sasic.
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