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World AIDS Day Brings Awareness to DC

World AIDS Day Brings Awareness to DC
World AIDS Day Brings Awareness to DC


On World AIDS Day, Thursday, December 1, 2022, the National Minority AIDS Council will host the Capitol Hill Champions Reception.

This is part of WTOP’s ongoing coverage, authored by Stephanie Gaines-Bryant, featuring people making a difference in our community. Read more of the report.

In 1985, Paul Kawata moved to Washington, DC. To “fight the plague,” as he puts it. The epidemic was HIV/AIDS. This week we celebrate World AIDS Day as we mourn the deaths of his five people who died in a shooting at an LGBTQ club in Colorado Springs, Colorado earlier this month.

“HIV sits at the intersection of race, sexual orientation, gender and gender identity,” said Kawada, executive director of the National Minority AIDS Council in Washington, DC. He calls these scary times for the LGBTQ community, minorities and women. But he says he is far ahead in the fight against HIV/AIDS than he was 37 years ago. ”

According to Kawada, a major turning point in the epidemic was the approval of prescription protease inhibitors in the mid-1990s. He says it was the first rational cure for the disease. Kawata says HIV/AIDS has gone from a deadly disease to a manageable disease.

“I think the challenge is that I have to keep using the drug for the rest of my life,” he said.

Kawata said they also need access to health care and doctors who can help manage care and manage viral load, a key indicator of health.

Insurance and HIV programs, including Medicaid, one of the largest providers of HIV medicines, give people access to medicines they would otherwise not be able to afford.

But the question for the future, Kawata said, is “how do we build equity into the health care system and make it accessible, especially since people of color are disproportionately affected by disease?” The statistics are tough on minorities, he says.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 50% of black gay men are more likely to be diagnosed with HIV/AIDS during their lifetime, and black women are far more likely to be diagnosed with the disease than white women. high.

On World AIDS Day, Thursday, December 1, 2022, we will host a Capitol Hill Champions Reception at Rayburn House Office Building 2359 to honor the members of Congress who have stood up for those living with HIV AIDS.

For more information, Please contact [email protected] for more information.

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