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Why are we “milking” crabs for coronavirus vaccines?


Horseshoe crabs gather on the beach at nightImage copyright
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They have 10 eyes and have existed for over 300 million years-and we use pale blue blood to keep us all safe.

No, it’s just science, not science fiction. Talking about horseshoe crab.

For decades, we have needed them and their blood to help us discover human medicine.

They are used today to help scientists study potential coronavirus vaccines.

But how many remain, how the process affects animals, and some activists want to stop this “milking” of horseshoe crabs.

How can they help?

These “living fossils” are important. Because their blood helps make sure that newly made drugs are free of dangerous bacteria-a type of bacteria that can kill people even in small amounts.

Crab blood cell extracts chemically react to harmful substances, which scientists use to test whether new drugs are safe.

And the horseshoe crab blood is the only one humans can find it anywhere on Earth.

Every year, hundreds of thousands of people are captured and taken to an American laboratory to take some of the blood from a vein near the heart.

Then it is released and returned to the wild.

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About 30 percent of each crab’s blood is drawn

“No one really knows the effect”

Initially, experts thought that almost all crabs survived unlikely donations.

But in recent years, Up to 30 percent Then die.

And other studies suggest that female crabs passing through it are less likely to subsequently mate.

For wildlife activists, all this is causing problems.

“Today, they are bleeding about half a million crabs,” says Dr. Barbara Blumer, who is responsible for a team working on conservation in New Jersey, where much of the United States is captive.

On today’s BBC Radio 4 show, no one knew about the effects of bleeding on the crab’s habitat, if anyone could put it back.

American horseshoe crab has officially been seen As an endangered species..

But some of the big companies that make drugs point to statistics that suggest that numbers remain Almost the same as a few years ago..

“We can move away from this natural source.”

Much research has been done to make artificial substances that replace blood.

And in 2016-Bingo.

Scientists have come up with an alternative that is licensed for use in Europe. Some US pharmaceutical companies also participated.

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The long horseshoe crab is known as a “living fossil” because the species are around

So why are you talking about this now?

Last month, an organization in the United States that decided what makes drugs safe said it couldn’t prove that alternative drugs worked well.

Companies that want to sell medicines in the US are said to need to continue to use crab blood for testing.

In other words, anyone who might come up with a coronavirus vaccine would have to check it out the old way if they wanted to be able to get the vaccine to millions of Americans.

Dr. Barbara says that other options are being used elsewhere, so she encourages them to take a different perspective.

“It allows us to stay away from relying on this natural source,” she says.

Some drug companies say they can meet the demand for the Covid-19 vaccine without having to draw more crab than usual.

But Dr. Bloomer said, “There are at least 30 companies working on vaccines,” and “all of them must undergo this test.

“So my concern is the horseshoe crab population-they are a very important part of the ecosystem.”

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