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Coronavirus cases worsen in individual US states than in the whole country


Coronavirus outbreaks in US states such as Arizona, Florida, and South Carolina are the worst in the world and outnumber the total number of new cases in the country.

Compliant chart New York Times Shows the three states that have adjusted the size of the population and treated it as if it were a country, leading the world in new incidents over the past seven days.

With the exception of the Middle East, Bahrain, Qatar and Oman, the top 12 outbreaks in the world are from US states.

In Bahrain, Qatar, and Oman, incidents have risen among many low-wage migrant workers who are not citizens. These workers often live in cramped neighborhoods and have poor social services.

Other countries on the list-Panama, Kazakhstan, Armenia, etc.-are much poorer than the United States.

As a country, the United States has passed 3 million confirmed milestones overnight.

The first reported case of COVID-19 was January 21st. Within 99 days, 1 million Americans became infected. It took 43 days to reach 2 million. And 28 days later, the United States reached 3 million.

Over 131,000 deaths were reported, and on Tuesday the country broke the record of most new cases reported on the 1st.

Health officials say the actual number is about ten times, or nearly 10% of the US population, due to inadequate testing and many unreported mild infections.

With more than 50,000 new daily confirmed infections in the US, we set records on virtually every turn.

The virus has surged in several hotspots in the south, such as Texas, Florida, Louisiana, and Arizona, but has almost completely receded from its former epicenters in New York and the northeast.

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The tests have been reinforced nationally, reaching an average of 640,000 daily, from about 518,000 two weeks ago. The number of newly confirmed infections per day exceeds 50,000, and the record is updated almost every time.

More tests tend to find more cases. However, as a worrisome indicator, the proportion of tests that test positive for virus is rising almost all over the United States, reaching almost 27% in Arizona, 19% in Florida and 17% in South Carolina.

Meanwhile, President Donald Trump is determined to reopen US schools in a booming crisis, threatening to withhold federal funding if the school district does not return students in September.

“In Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and many other countries, schools are open without problems,” he wrote on Twitter.

“If a US school opens before the November elections, legislators think it’s politically bad for them, but it’s important for children and families. If it’s not open, funding could run out. there is.”

He said America was “in a good place” with respect to pandemics.

Vice President Mike Pence, who heads the White House Coronavirus Task Force, defended the government’s response, saying the case was flat.

“What Americans did, and because of the extraordinary work of health professionals across the country, we mourn the lamenters while encouraging them to remain low and stable in average lethality.” He told reporters. One night.

Meanwhile, Trump is still pushing for the official withdrawal of the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO).

The president revealed his intentions in late May and accused the WHO of Chinese control of the coronavirus epidemic.

Germany says the withdrawal is a “global setback” and will be even more disruptive when international action is needed to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

“The global epidemic shows that more international cooperation is needed to fight pandemics, not less,” said a German spokesman.

Since the pandemic occurred in China late last year, at least 545,414 people have died worldwide.

The United States is the country most hit, with 131,857 deaths. After that, Brazil died 66,741, England 44,517, Italy 34,914 and Mexico 32,014.

With AFP


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