‘Triple Demic’ of COVID-19, Flu, and RSV Strains in Oregon Hospitals
COVID-19 is weakening its impact in much of the world. But as masking and social distancing precautions drop, other viruses are making a retaliatory comeback.
During the holiday season, families and health care providers dealt with the impact of ongoing COVID-19 cases, influenza, and the respiratory syncytial virus known as RSV.
Dr. Melissa Sutton, Medical Director of Respiratory Viral Pathogens at the Oregon Department of Health, said: “We see hospitals overwhelmed. We see friends and family sick, and often very sick.”
Other viruses have also infected humans, but they can be more difficult to track.
The incidence of illness was particularly high this season, with the virus hitting people earlier than in previous years.
“We’ve seen these changes since the pandemic started. When these viruses come back, they seem to come back faster and faster,” Sutton said. “The timing of this season is extraordinary.”
While the full picture of the holiday season’s impact won’t be revealed in a few weeks, experts are confident about some trends.
Influenza, mainly influenza A
Sutton said RSV and influenza were significantly more severe this year compared to past seasons. in the last week of the year, the state reported 2,585 positive flu tests. The Willamette Valley accounts for 199 of them.
Influenza, primarily Influenza A, is raging this year.
People are gathering in larger numbers than in previous years, but the flu season before the pandemic was just as severe, so experts can’t say for sure if it was due to the post-pandemic gathering.
“It’s hard to tell if this is a wild flu season or a post-pandemic wild flu season,” Sutton said.
The rate of emergency room visits for flu-like illnesses is much higher during the holiday season than in previous years, peaking at about 5% in early December, almost five times higher than in previous years. became.
That number is now trending downward, at 2.6% in the final week of the year. But it’s common for flu to peak again after vacations, warned Lane County Public Health spokesperson Jason Davis.
“Our flu numbers are declining, but we shouldn’t draw any conclusions.” Perhaps the last peak will occur in the third or fourth week of January. No balls, but if you pay attention to history, that’s what usually happens.”
Although the severity of the flu isn’t as bad as in previous years, more people are getting it, Davis said.
COVID-19 variant
The current variant of COVID-19 is less severe than its predecessors, but the virus is moving slowly.
January 4, Oregon Department of Health announced 2,876 new cases and 62 newly confirmed deaths from the virus in the previous week, pushing the statewide to 9,024.
Lane County had 348 cases and two deaths. Marion looked at her 220 cases and identified five of her who died from the virus. Polk said he saw 62 cases, but no new deaths.
Sutton of the Oregon Department of Health said cases have plateaued and national projections predict it will remain at current levels for at least the next few weeks.
As it has been throughout the pandemic, people with underlying medical conditions are getting worse.
“COVID is less severe than it started. We are not looking at ICU patients or deaths. said Dr. “We’re definitely seeing people with underlying conditions like COPD, emphysema, and asthma.”
RSV attacks children, infants
RSV has been plaguing families this winter, especially children.
“Please note that this is the most severe childhood on record and we have only collected data on pediatric hospitalizations for the last five years,” said Sutton. “It was really, really serious. It’s well above all previous peaks.”
In Oregon, RSV is not a mandatory reporting disease, so data are limited to test results reported by participating laboratories. Participating laboratories reported 516 positive RSV tests in the last week of the year.
Experts say providers are seeing a decline in RSV. Viruses usually increase rapidly and then decrease rapidly. Although it may be on the decline, experts warn the virus continues to circulate.
The available data do not capture the full picture of what most people face. Most sick people never go to the hospital or get tested.
Medical Burden Continues
Influenza, COVID-19, and RSV are raging, dubbed the ‘triple disease’, but they are not the only viruses circulating.
“You think they’re all sick, but they’re sick. It’s just not all three of these things,” Davis said. “There’s a lot going on, and it’s all rushing in.”
Health officials said hospitals and medical facilities remain strained by the sick season.
“It’s been busy,” said McGovern of PeaceHealth Oregon. “RS virus, influenza and COVID-19 were all fairly stable during the holidays.”
He said about 40 flu, RSV or COVID-19 patients have been admitted to hospitals each day for the past three weeks, an average of close to 50 in early December.
The problem is exacerbated by ongoing staffing issues and the fact that health workers are not immune to the virus prevalent in the region. McGovern said this means waiting times for elective surgeries are longer than usual.
“Cancer surgeries and other types of surgeries are currently being delayed due to everything that’s happening across the state and country,” McGovern said. We are definitely working every day to make sure that keeps moving and creates the access it needs.”
Salem Hospital has treated a large number of children requiring hospitalization due to an unprecedented early RSV surge that began in the fall, Salem Health spokeswoman Lisa Wood said in an email. The number of hospitalizations due to various viruses continued to rise as the pandemic approached.
“Three respiratory diseases keep hospitals near or over capacity for most of December,” Wood said. of primary care providers expanded hours and weekend coverage to increase the number of available appointments.”
what can you do
Experts are singing in the same tune as they have been for years. Wear a mask in public, get the latest vaccines, wash your hands and stay home when sick.
“I always tell them to get vaccinated, and it’s still helping me in this situation,” McGovern said. “It reduces the severity of the disease.
Along with Salem Health, Wood also recommends maintaining a healthy lifestyle to prevent disease. Tips include quitting smoking, eating healthy, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep.
Experts tell us to call 119 in case of emergency and go to the hospital if the symptoms are severe. However, most people experience typical symptoms of the current virus, including fever, phlegm, body aches and fatigue.
Along with Public Health, Davis advised people to keep an eye out for symptoms such as difficulty breathing and changes in skin color.
He also encouraged those who could afford to stay home when sick to do so, not only for their own benefit, but also to protect those who could not.
Contact reporter Tatiana Parafiniuk-Talesnick [email protected] or follow her on Twitter at 541-521-7512 @TatianaSophiaPT.
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