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Do low-carb, low-fat diets work?

Do low-carb, low-fat diets work?


Is it possible to combine a low-fat and low-carb diet into one healthy diet?

Is it possible to combine low fat diet and low carb diet On one healthy diet? Are these two diets, which experts say are both effective for weight loss, compatible? Or, like oil and water, do the two diets not mix well?

Fats and carbohydrates are two of the three macronutrients that are the only sources of calories that provide cell structure and energy for the body, according to Elana Natker, a registered dietitian based in Oak Hill, Virginia. Macronutrients, including protein, are essential for proper brain, nerve, hormone, and circulatory function, and healthy skin.

find a healthy balance

Eliminating or significantly reducing fat and carbohydrates from the body dietyou need to eat more protein to make sure your body gets enough calories. lean protein — chicken, turkey, sirloin beef, pork tenderloin, fish, etc.

“High-protein, low-fat foods help increase satiety without the calorie burden of more processed, high-fat proteins such as pork sausage, dark chicken, and skin-on turkey,” says the Northwestern Medicine registry. says nutritionist Audra Wilson.Metabolic Health and Surgical Weight Loss Center Delnor Hospital in Geneva, Illinois. “plant-based protein source, like tofu, has no saturated fat either.This is an important attribute when considering heart health

example of high proteinlow-fat foods include:

— Skinless, lean meat such as white chicken.

— Lean fish such as haddock, flounder and cod.

– egg.

beanspeas, lentils.

– tofu.

— no fat greek yogurt.

However, instead of focusing on specific foods, Sharma recommends eating more. vegetable foodWhole Grains, Lean Protein Sources.

“Although a low-fat, low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet may help you lose weight in the short term, it is essentially a ‘deficient diet’ and can have negative short- and long-term health consequences. There is a possibility,” says Srila Sharma. She is a Registered Dietitian and Professor of Epidemiology, Human Genetics, and Environmental Sciences at the UTH Health School of Public Health in Houston.

[READ: Surprisingly High-Fat Foods.]

Consider the DASH Diet

of dash diet It helps you sustainably achieve the health benefits you seek from a low-fat and low-carb diet. high blood pressure — A flexible, balanced, heart-healthy eating plan recommended by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute for stopping or preventing. high blood pressure.

Moderate portions of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy fats, nuts, beans, low-fat dairy products, lean protein sources. These types of foods can provide moderate amounts of high-quality, satiating fats and carbohydrates. fiber.

While not technically considered a low-carb diet, its framework can help you develop a healthy diet that’s low in both fat and carbs while still getting the nutrition you need. The DASH diet, which is consistently highly rated by many registered dietitians, ranks first (tie) Best diet for bone and joint health,The first place best heart healthy diet,The first place best diabetic dietNo. 2 (tie) best overall diet and second place best diet for healthy eating in the US News’ Best Diets of 2023.

“It’s just a healthy diet,” Wilson says. “It’s not restrictive, it’s sustainable. You won’t feel deficient on this diet.”

The DASH diet discourages eating foods high in saturated fats commonly found in fatty meats, full-fat dairy products, and tropical oils such as coconut and palm oils. It also limits the amount of unsaturated fats commonly found in extra virgin olive oil. Also avoid sugar-sweetened drinks and foods with this regimen. added sugar.

A low-carb version of the DASH diet limits consumption of whole grains and certain fruits They tend to be high in carbohydrates such as bananas, mangoes and cherries.

[READ: Popular and Dangerous Social Media Diet Trends.]

How to combine a low-fat and low-carb diet

If you plan to combine a low-fat and low-carb diet into one diet, experts recommend the following strategies.

— Work with a registered dietitian.

— Define your goals.

— Plan your meals in advance.

Work with a registered dietitian.

For an untrained person, adopting a low-fat, low-carbohydrate diet while trying to consume the nutrients they need can be a big challenge.

Collaboration with registered dietitians Following such a regimen can be much more manageable, she adds. It helps you create

“[Nutritionists]know food,” Wilson says. “We can take the foods you currently enjoy and help you change them or find alternatives you might not think of to keep your diet on track.”

For example, if you are reducing carbohydrates, replace cauliflower rice For multi-grain rice.

Define your goals.

Set a specific calorie goal before embarking on a low-fat, low-carb diet, says Wilson. . Since you’re getting fewer calories from fat and carbohydrates, you’ll need to make up the shortfall elsewhere to make sure you’re consuming enough calories.

because full of proteinyou may struggle to eat as many calories each day, says Wilson.

A registered dietitian can help you devise a meal plan that reduces your fat and carbohydrate intake while still meeting your calorie goals.

“Don’t try to do the math yourself,” Wilson says. “We (the registered dietitians) are good at it. We do the math.”

Plan your meals in advance.

Cooking meals at home is usually healthier than eating out. With more control over ingredients and portion sizes, you can customize based on your dietary preferences and meal plans.

To get started, experts recommend Write a weekly menu of your meals.

“There’s no excuse for running to McDonald’s or buying a bag of pizza or crisps just because there’s nothing to eat at home,” says Lisa Jones, a Philadelphia-based registered dietitian. She says, “There’s no excuse for frequent trips to the kitchen because you’ll be satisfied with a variety of pre-planned, high-protein, low-fat food options. It helps keep you feeling full throughout the day.”

Many offices don’t have cafeterias that serve fresh vegetables, fruits, and other healthy foods, so it’s a good idea to plan your lunch on workdays.

“If you’re working and not thinking about what to eat, you might go to the vending machine because you’re hungry,” she says. Many vending machines sell highly processed sugary and salty snacks, but not healthy options.

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Do low-carb, low-fat diets work? originally appeared

Update 01/09/23: This article was originally published and has been updated with new information.




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