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Salmonella biofilm proteins can cause animal autoimmune reactions, arthritis


Scientists at the University of Saskatchewan (USask) and Temple University (Philadelphia) vaccine and infectious disease organization International Vaccine Center (VIDO-InterVac) say Salmonella biofilm proteins can cause animal autoimmune reactions and arthritis. Demonstrate that there is.

Salmonella were previously thought to form biofilms only in environments such as food processing surfaces. Biofilms are a dense collection of bacteria that cling to their surface to protect them from harsh conditions such as antibiotics and disinfectants. It was surprising to detect animal biofilms during infection.

In a study published today PLOS pathogenThe VIDO-InterVac team, led by Aaron White, discovered that a Salmonella biofilm was formed in the intestine of infected mice. In this study, the team used a mouse model to reproduce human food poisoning and show that a biofilm protein called “curli” that grows on the surface of bacteria leads to adverse health effects.

Curly is a special type of protein called amyloid. Similar human proteins have been associated with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Rogerig’s disease). Scientists don’t know how these illnesses begin, but speculate that something might have to “trigger” amyloid accumulation.

“We were the first to show that food-borne pathogens can produce these types of proteins in the intestine,” said White, a leader in Salmonella biofilms and curly amyloid.

“There were speculations that the bacteria might stimulate amyloid plaque formation in Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and ALS and contribute to disease progression. The discovery of curly in the intestine is a potential It may represent an important link that indicates the source of the infection.”

Collaborator Çagla Tükel and her team at Temple University have determined that the presence of Curly leads to autoimmunity and arthritis. There are two conditions known to be complications in humans of Salmonella infections.

In mice, these reactions are triggered within 6 weeks of infection, indicating that curli may be a major driver of the autoimmune reaction. “

Temple University glaagla Tükel

The next step in the study is to confirm that it also occurs in humans and test whether other food-borne pathogens associated with Salmonella can cause similar autoimmune reactions.

This important finding suggests that foodborne pathogens may initiate or worsen autoimmunity and contribute to amyloid disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. “

Dr. Volker Gerdts, Director of VIDO-InterVac


See journal:

Alabama Miller other (2020) The in vivo synthesis of bacterial amyloid curly is described in S. It contributes to joint inflammation during Typhimurium infection. PLOS pathogen.


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