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Crispr wants to feed the world

Crispr wants to feed the world


ten years later In addition to that discovery, the implications of Crispr genome editing are profound and far-reaching and we are just getting started. Adapted from the bacterial immune system, this tool allows you to cut and edit the genetic code of living cells for highly targeted alteration and repair. A small number of people with genetic disorders are being helped by Crispr therapy, highlighting its potential to impact the lives of people suffering from nearly 7,000 genetic disorders with known causes.From diabetes to infectious diseases , which is undergoing trials in various diseases.

In 2023, other areas will start to benefit from new Crispr-based solutions. For example, following initial clinical trial results, the first agricultural applications using Crispr recently entered the market. Allow cows to withstand elevated temperatures. Crisper-edited tomatoes approved for sale in Japan have improved nutritional value. Crispr is being used ly in other crops to increase yields, reduce pesticide and water use, and protect against disease.

The next area of ​​Crispr innovation is climate change, the battle of the times. In 2023, we will launch bold new initiatives targeting climate change using Crispr.

First, the new research aims to reduce carbon emissions from agriculture. Agriculture is responsible for about a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions, primarily from microorganisms found in soils such as rice paddies and in the intestines of livestock. This new research focuses on how Crispr can be used to edit these microbes or change the composition of the microbial community to reduce or eliminate greenhouse gas emissions.

Second, we are finding ways to improve the natural ability of plants and microbes to capture and store carbon in the soil. Plants “breathe” carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and use it to produce energy, but carbon is usually cycled into the atmosphere fairly quickly. New research aims to work with plants and soil microbes to not only capture carbon, but also store it in the soil for a long time, replacing some of the soil carbon that has been massively lost since the advent of modern agriculture. .

Third, we are developing new ways to minimize farmer inputs, such as carbon-cost fertilizers and pesticides, and other environmental health costs. New Crispr research aims to edit staple crops like rice so that they can grow with less fertilizer. can reduce the need for carbon-intensive chemical inputs.

Finally, we need ways to enable agriculture to cope with the degree of climate change that has already occurred or is inevitable. New research is using Crispr to engineer plants that can produce more food and other substances with less water and can tolerate extreme temperatures.

Much of the attention around Crispr has been focused on medical applications, and for good reason. The results are encouraging, the personal stories are encouraging, and they give hope to many people suffering from long-overlooked genetic diseases. As we move forward, we have the opportunity to fundamentally improve human health in a holistic way to better protect our societies and enable millions of people around the world to thrive. increase.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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