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13% of older adults show signs of food poisoning

13% of older adults show signs of food poisoning


January 31, 2023

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One in eight adults ages 50 to 80 show signs of addiction to highly processed foods in the past year, according to a University of Michigan National Poll on Healthy Aging survey. became.

“Addiction may seem like a strong word when it comes to food, but research shows that our brains respond strongly to food. highly processed foods, especially those high in sugar, simple starch and fat, as well as tobacco, alcohol and other addictive substances. ” Ashley Gearhardt, PhD, MPhil, MS, An associate professor of psychology at the University of Michigan said in a press release: “Similar to smoking and drinking, we need to identify and reach out to people who are engaging in unhealthy usage patterns to help them develop healthier relationships with food.”


Source of data: Dependence on highly processed foods among older people. Published 30 January 2023. Accessed 30 January 2023.

Gearhardt and colleagues used a 13-question questionnaire to determine the prevalence of food poisoning in older adults. 2,163 participants exhibited 2 of 11 symptoms of addiction to highly processed foods, were required to report eating-related distress or life problems several times a week, and had food addiction. was classified as having

In addition to the 13% of respondents who met criteria for food poisoning, Gearhardt and colleagues found that 44% exhibited at least one symptom.

Women were more likely than men to experience food poisoning (18% vs. 8%). Respondents aged 50 to 64 were more likely to become addicted to food than respondents aged 65 to 80 (17% vs. 8%), and she was most likely to meet the criteria. They were women (22%) aged 50 to 64 years. .

The most common food poisoning symptoms seen were:

  • Intense cravings more than once a week (24%).
  • Unable to reduce their intake (19%) despite wanting to reduce their intake at least 2-3 times per week.When
  • Signs of withdrawal at least once a week (17%).

Mental health was also found to be a factor. Those who rated their mental health as fair or poor were three times more likely to meet food addiction criteria than those who rated their mental health as good, excellent, or excellent. rice field.

In addition, older adults who reported feeling isolated more often were more likely to exhibit symptoms of food poisoning than those who rarely felt isolated. It was more pronounced in women (32%).

Among those who reported being overweight, 17% of men and 32% of women met criteria for food addiction, whereas 1% of men and 4% of women who reported normal weight had It was.

Gearhardt et al. say that one reason highly processed foods are addictive is because they can initiate the release of dopamine in the brain’s reward system at levels “comparable to nicotine and alcohol.” increase.

“Many people report eating highly processed foods Not only for the calories they provide, but also for experiencing pleasure and dealing with negative emotions. When trying to reduce the amount, people may experience symptoms similar to withdrawal symptoms.

They added that it is difficult for older people to stop consuming these products due to their addictive nature.

Gearhardt and colleagues suggest that screening for symptoms of food addiction during health care visits may help identify older adults who would benefit from additional resources, such as those that address mental health and physical needs. I concluded that there is

“Older adults identified as dependent on highly processed foods or who have expressed concern about their symptoms should be provided with nutritional education or provided access to healthy, affordable foods. You may benefit from connecting to programs that do or do,” they wrote.





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