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how to tell the difference

how to tell the difference


Everyone can relate to the “blues” of winter. As the days get shorter and the weather gets colder, we spend less time outdoors, usually with less sun and sunshine.

Also known as the Dark Days of Winter, the change of season brings a shift in mood and energy. So not only can the day literally get darker (the sun rises later and sets earlier), but you may also find your mood and attitude darker.

When the seasons change, some people experience seasonal affective disorder (SAD). This is the clinical term for depression that occurs at certain times of the year, usually beginning in late autumn or early winter. This is very common and usually more pronounced in areas with greater seasonal climate change.

Psychiatrist, Yolonda Renee Pickett, MDshares how to tell the difference between SAD and clinical depression, along with treatment options to consider.

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?

SAD is a form of depression that causes symptoms at certain times of the year related to seasonal changes.

“People with seasonal affective disorder are mostly affected in the winter, but it can also occur in late spring or early summer. It is the change of season, not the weather specifically, that triggers these feelings. Most people with SAD are affected by changes in daylight hours that usually accompany seasonal changes,” says Dr. Pickett.

Dr. Pickett adds: It also changes the choices and frequency of outdoor activities. “

“Some researchers believe that SAD may be related to decreased production of serotonin, a chemical in the brain that helps regulate mood. Vitamin D deficiency that can occur due to changes. Some also believe there is a link to increased melatonin production, which may be caused by the dark days of autumn and winter.

What is the difference between seasonal affective disorder and depression?

People with SAD but not depression may:

  • Note that it occurs at the turn of the season
  • Note that symptoms occur and resolve at the same time each year

“SAD is a form of depression, and the main difference is timing. People with SAD can see patterns in their depressive symptoms and feel okay at other times,” adds Dr. Pickett.

How are seasonal affective disorder and depression similar?

A person with SAD or depression may:

  • Feeling sad, hopeless, or empty most of the time
  • Loss of interest in activities you normally look forward to
  • Feeling tired or have low energy levels throughout the day
  • Experiencing changes in appetite or eating habits (eating less or more)
  • Experiencing changes in sleep habits, such as insomnia or oversleeping
  • Having trouble concentrating or remembering things
  • experience feelings of guilt and worthlessness
  • thoughts of death or thoughts of suicide

Treating Seasonal Affective Disorder and Depression

Treatment options that may help people with depression or SAD include:

  • Talk therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy
  • dosage
  • Combining Talk Therapy and Medication

Lifestyle changes that may help people with depression or SAD include:

  • exercise regularly
  • socialize with friends regularly
  • Regularly participate in activities that you normally enjoy

Additional treatment options that may help patients with winter-type SAD include:

  • Lightbox therapy – this type of bright light exposure may be effective
  • Vitamin D supplements (if recommended by your doctor)

Lifestyle changes that may help people with winter-type SAD include:

  • Adjust your sleep patterns to avoid oversleeping
  • Adjust your diet to avoid overeating or cravings for carbohydrates

For summer SAD, you can use bedroom curtains to keep the room cool and dark.

Next steps and resources:

Materials provided through HealthU are intended to be used for general information only and are not intended to replace medical advice. Always consult your doctor for individualized care.




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