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Hispanic and black dialysis patients have higher rates of staphylococcal infections: CDCExBulletin

Hispanic and black dialysis patients have higher rates of staphylococcal infections: CDCExBulletin
Hispanic and black dialysis patients have higher rates of staphylococcal infections: CDCExBulletin


The patient is undergoing dialysis at a clinic in Sacramento, California. New CDC data highlight racial disparities in the risk of staphylococcal bloodstream infections in dialysis patients.

Photo by Rich Pedroncelli/AP



Photo by Rich Pedroncelli/AP

The patient is undergoing dialysis at a clinic in Sacramento, California. New CDC data highlight racial disparities in the risk of staphylococcal bloodstream infections in dialysis patients.

Photo by Rich Pedroncelli/AP

Data show black and Hispanic patients undergoing dialysis in the United States have a higher risk of developing staphylococcal bloodstream infections than white patients, and federal health officials have narrowed the inequality. It adds that cutting back can save lives.

a The report was released on Monday Shedding light on risks and disparities by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention dialysis In end-stage kidney disease, machines help these organs by removing waste and excess water from the blood.

“More than half of people on dialysis in the United States belong to a racial or ethnic minority group. Approximately one in three people on dialysis is black, and one in five Hispanic,” the CDC said. on release“CDC data found that patients on dialysis in these groups had higher rates of staphylococcal bloodstream infections than white patients on dialysis.”

Dialysis treatment, which is often necessary for individuals with failing kidneys as a result of high blood pressure, diabetes, lupus, or other conditions, carries risks, says the CDC.

Because the patient is connected to the machine with a needle or catheter, Staphylococcus Other bacteria can enter the bloodstream. Dialysis facilities reported to the national tracking system in 2020 that he had more than 14,000 bloodstream infections, 34% of which were due to staphylococci. About 560,000 Americans with end-stage kidney disease received dialysis that year.

Some staphylococcal infections are resistant to the antibiotics commonly used to treat them and can be fatal.

Between 2017 and 2020, the CDC found that adults on dialysis for end-stage renal disease were 100 times more likely to get a staphylococcal bloodstream infection than untreated adults. discovered. During that period, Hispanic patients had a 40% higher risk of these infections than white patients.

After adjusting for age, gender, and other factors, the study found that Hispanic patients and those aged 18–49 years were most at risk, with higher poverty rates, crowded homes, and lower education levels. It concludes that it is similar to the people who live there.

CDC outlines other challenges common to many patients undergoing dialysis, including lack of access to preventive care for conditions such as diabetes and hypertension, and lack of patient education about treatment options for end-stage renal disease. .

The unadjusted rate of staphylococcal bloodstream infection in black patients was 23% higher than in white patients, but the rate was not statistically significant when the CDC adjusted for other factors. CNBC coverage.

“It is still important to highlight these rising rates because staphylococcal bloodstream infections occur at higher rates in black patients on dialysis, but there are other factors that contribute to this rising rate, not just race. factors,” CDC spokesperson Martha Sharan told the outlet.

However, there is some encouraging news. Bloodstream infections in dialysis patients have declined since 2014, and there are steps patients and health care providers can take to avoid them.

“Dialysis-related bloodstream infections are preventable, but not inevitable,” said Dr. Shannon Novosad, who leads the Dialysis Safety Team in the CDC’s Division of Health Care Quality.

What public health and healthcare workers can do

The CDC says the best way to prevent staphylococcal bloodstream infections is to detect chronic kidney disease early and place patients on dialysis.

“In order to slow the progression of chronic kidney disease, health care providers should not only provide education to all patients, especially those at highest risk, about treatment options, but also preventative practices, such as how to manage diabetes and high blood pressure. ,” said the CDC Chief Medical. Officer Debra Hawley.

The report highlights the importance of reducing barriers to healthcare by providing transportation assistance, insurance coverage expertise, social services and educational resources in multiple languages.

Chronic kidney disease is generally irreversible, but certain nutrition, lifestyle and medicine Intervention may help slow its progression. They include sodium restriction, smoking cessation, and improved blood pressure control.

If dialysis is required, the CDC says health care providers should prioritize low-risk methods of infection, such as using proven infection prevention and control practices. This could mean using fistulas or grafts instead of high-risk catheters.

“Education and implementation of established best practices to prevent bloodstream infections are critical to overall protection. [dialysis] The study concludes, “including those most at risk.”




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