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A study found that the incidence of pancreatic cancer is rising rapidly in young one knows why

A study found that the incidence of pancreatic cancer is rising rapidly in young one knows why


The incidence of pancreatic cancer is rising among Americans, with the sharpest increase among young women. new research find.

A nationwide analysis of nearly 20 years of data reveals that the percentage of women under 55 has risen by 2.4% over men. Among young black women in particular, researchers reported that she had a 2.23% higher incidence than black men of the same age. Department of Gastroenterology.

in the meantime pancreatic cancer “Women’s risk has increased over the past 20 years, and if this continues, it will become more common in women over time,” said study co-author Srinivas Gaddam, PhD, of Cedars-Sinai Cancer, Los Angeles. The Pancreas Screening and Early Detection Program at the Center tells call attention to.”

Pancreatic cancer is the 10th most common cancer but the third deadliest cancer, Gaddam said. “It’s rare, but when it happens, it kills quickly.”

Gaddam said one reason pancreatic cancer is so deadly is that it’s most often detected at a late stage. He adds that the warning signs and symptoms are rare, and abdominal pain rarely occurs as a result of pancreatic cancer.

42% of patients diagnosed with early-stage tumors survive at least 5 years, whereas only 3 patients with metastatic disease whose cancer has spread to other parts of the body survive at least 5 years % is. According to the American Cancer Society.

To take a closer look at pancreatic cancer trends, Gaddam and his colleagues turned to data from the National Cancer Registry, which accounts for 64.5% of the nation’s population. After reviewing the data, researchers identified 454,611 of his patients diagnosed between 2001 and 2018.

Over the last two decades, cancer rates have increased in both men and women, but more in women, especially those under the age of 55. In even worse news for women, Gaddam said men’s survival rates are improving every year, but not women’s. .

The new study’s findings are “provocative, but not entirely surprising,” Dr. Diane Simeone, director of the Pancreatic Cancer Center at NYU Langone Health in New York City, told We need to focus more on understanding risk factors and developing early detection strategies for this disease.”

Until better screening tests are developed, strategies exist to detect pancreatic cancer early, Simeone said. First, more than a dozen genetic mutations have been identified that increase cancer risk, so people with a family history of cancer should be checked for those mutations.

In addition, certain factors, such as smoking, heavy drinking, obesity and diabetes, may increase the risk of pancreatic cancer, says Simeone. I can confirm.

The rising trend in early-onset cancers is significant, and “it’s not just pancreatic cancer,” says Fay Kastrinos, Ph.D., director of the Muzzi Mirza Pancreatic Cancer Prevention and Genetics Program at Columbia University Irving Medical Center in New York City.

Kastrinos said the number of female patients is increasing, but overall the number of patients is low. “So you don’t want the alarm going off,” he adds Kastrinos. “But trends matter.”

Future research should address specific questions. What about women is driving this increase? “Gender-specific factors?” says Castrinos. “Anytime there is an environmental exposure or danger that may be present and early cancer occurs, the genetics need to be looked at.”

Dr. Suneel Kamath was also impressed by the increase in early-onset disease.

“The biggest concern is pancreatic cancer in the very young, in their teens, 20s and 30s,” Kamas, a gastrointestinal oncologist at the Cleveland Clinic, tells is barely explained.”

At this time, we do not know what is causing the increase. pancreatic cancer, Kamas says. “There are many theories,” she adds. “Diet may be a big part of that. Consumption of processed foods and red meat has increased significantly, and intake of leafy greens has decreased.”

Americans are also more sedentary than they used to be, which may contribute to cancer risk, Kamas says.

Another possible cause could be the use of antibiotics. “This generation is exposed to antibiotics,” Kamas adds. “When most were viral, all colds led to antibiotic prescriptions. It can affect your microbiome, and it can affect many things.

Another possible reason could be that the number of overweight or obese Americans, including younger children, may be skyrocketing, Kamas says. I will,” she adds. “Years of unhealthy weight may also be a factor.”




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